OpenGreekAndLatin / First1KGreek

XML files for the works in the First Thousand Years of Greek Project. Please see our Wiki on how to contribute.
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(tlg0018) Adding Tag Citations #2764

Open jdeen33 opened 1 year ago

jdeen33 commented 1 year ago

added tags for book, section, and sentences, as well as segmented the text by sentence

lcerrato commented 1 year ago

@jdeen33 Can you further explain this work? It appears we have a bunch of files removed and renamed. We also don't generally do PRs with hundreds of files and changes as that unfortunately makes reviews challenging.

Also, when you rename a file you take away the ability to see the differences in the previous file, so the link between the version is severed and diff'ing the files is broken. Is there a reason for the file renaming with the "edited" appended?

None of the files include a header explanation of the changes or the purpose: this would be required in the <change> log of the <revisionDesc> for such an extensive set of edits.

I would also recommend that if another division was added, then the structure should reflect that. For instance book/section/sentence could be the containers here (or part? I see book referenced above and part referenced in the files).

As of right now, these files will be removed from the repository with this PR so we will be going from 1242 files to 1180. Is that the intent?