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heb0001.heb010 updating cts_xml #2789

Closed AlisonBabeu closed 1 month ago

AlisonBabeu commented 1 month ago

Updated the CTS_XML file for this translation of Isaias to agree with other works taken from the same printed edition.

I am also contemplating why this record was created with the ID heb0001.heb010 when the English translation of this work from the Greek (in the same book) was given the ID tlg0527.tlg048.opp-eng2. There is some discussion here ( I'm wondering if they wanted to specify this work had been translated from the Hebrew rather than the Greek, but then of course, this URN means it doesn't align with any of the other versions or translations of Isaias. Thoughts @lcerrato? @gregorycrane ?

lcerrato commented 1 month ago

@AlisonBabeu I think there was some discussion of a special <xref> in the header or elsewhere to indicate the source for the translation?

There already is a Hebrew text in the SV which is not cross referenced here. I think the issue is that tlg0527 is specifically the Septuagint not the Hebrew, right? And we have Hebrew that currently has no relationship to those texts.

Wouldn't this make the description wrong? This implies it is a translation of the Septuagint. Septuaginta. The Book of Isaiah According to the Septuagint (Codex Alexandrinus).