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Inconsistent use of author name element in headers for Septuaginta files #906

Open AlisonBabeu opened 7 years ago

AlisonBabeu commented 7 years ago

I came across this issue today while editing some of the headers for the various Septuagint files. The header for tlg0527.tlg048.opp-eng2.xml originally included the following:

<name xml:lang="lat">R. R. OTTLEY, M.A.</name>
<name xml:lang="eng">Richard Rusden Ottley</name>
<author ref="urn:tmp">R. R. OTTLEY, M.A.</author>

I standardized the editor name to not in all capitals and deleted R.R.Ottley from the author element, but was wondering, was there any plan to utilize the element for the Septuagint files. Technically, we could include: Septuaginta in all the for these files. In this case, I simply left the element empty as follows:

<author ref="urn:tmp"></author>

@sonofmun what do you think?

sonofmun commented 7 years ago

We should have Septuagint here, I think. It would then be the name of the text group rather than the author, but it would make querying the XML files themselves easier.