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XML files for Latin texts that are not found in existing repos
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(Ambrose) new editions #26

Open lcerrato opened 2 years ago

lcerrato commented 2 years ago

NB dummy URNs were used for a couple of these:

Ambrose urn:cts:latinLit:stoa0022.stoa018.ogl-lat1 De Abraham 499-638 Ambrose urn:cts:latinLit:stoa0022.stoa033.ogl-lat1 De Isaac 639-700 Ambrose urn:cts:latinLit:stoa0022.stoa020.ogl-lat1 De Bono Mortis 701-753

AlisonBabeu commented 1 year ago

hi @lcerrato so when I unzipped these files I only got one Latin file of Ambrose, stoa0022.stoa020.ogl-lat1 but also two Greek files of Plutarch: tlg0007.tlg001.1st1K-grc1.xml and tlg0007.tlg002.1s1K-grc1.xml, both works

lcerrato commented 1 year ago

Those are dummy URNs

lcerrato commented 1 year ago

@AlisonBabeu So the first file looks like book/chapter or book/section (i do not know the convention) with a third delimiter as noted in there Trello card: This is numbered with the section running continuously along with the chapter, so 1.1, 1.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 3.8 etc.

so this could be cited as book/chapter/section or book/section. I do not know the correct convention.

AlisonBabeu commented 1 year ago

Sorry, @lcerrato I had read the Trello card, or had thought I had read the entire thing. I pored over the pages and XML for a while and wasn't entirely sure either. I think it is simply book section, line, but not sure. I can see where it is convenient to have the TLG at times for a possible text structure.

lcerrato commented 1 year ago

@AlisonBabeu There are no lines. The question really pertains to how others cite the work, so I would think that book/chapter/section is the best option, which is probably not the way it was inputted. It is not hard to revise and add a third level.

lcerrato commented 1 year ago

@AlisonBabeu The file is crashing my app so I can't add more info until I get it reloaded.

AlisonBabeu commented 1 year ago

hey @lcerrato the file was crashing Oxygen for me too and I have a heavily edited one with the correct file name, metadata and other corrections already made. I can add it to the Latin repository if you like, I just didn't want to add a nonpassing file!

lcerrato commented 1 year ago

So the de Abraham file is urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0007.tlg001.1st1K-grc1 (needs to be replaced).

The start I see is three levels of container.

It looks like the first part of the text was not correctly zoned/marked, so it dropped out of the xml file. We are starting with 1.1.2 rather than 1.1.1 (looking here)

<tei:body> <tei:div type="edition"> <tei:div type="textpart" subtype="1" n="urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0007.tlg001.1st1K-grc1:1"> <tei:div type="textpart" subtype="2" n="urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0007.tlg001.1st1K-grc1:1.1"> <tei:div type="textpart" subtype="3" n="urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0007.tlg001.1st1K-grc1:1.1.2"> <tei:p><tei:pb facs="mdp-39015010563909-1640205265_0098"/>non mediocre autem aut otiosum negotium. etenim cum dominus deus noster hunc locupleti benedictionis suae dote donauerit, ut eius gratia prouocaret ceteros, institutio corrigeret, Moyses quoque imitandum nobis descripserit, ut corda hominum in uitium labentia huius uiri contuitu uelut quodam terreno busto resuscitaret, non perfunc-<tei:pb facs="mdp-39015010563909-1640205265_0099"/>torium debet uideri,

so <tei:div type="textpart" subtype="1" n="urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0007.tlg001.1st1K-grc1:1"> will become <div type="textpart" subtype="book" xml:base="urn:cts:latinLit:stoa0022.stoa018.ogl-lat1" n="1">

and <tei:div type="textpart" subtype="2" n="urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0007.tlg001.1st1K-grc1:1.1"> <div type="textpart" subtype="chapter" xml:base="urn:cts:latinLit:stoa0022.stoa018.ogl-lat1:1" n="1">

and <tei:div type="textpart" subtype="3" n="urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0007.tlg001.1st1K-grc1:1.1.2"> <div type="textpart" subtype="section" xml:base="urn:cts:latinLit:stoa0022.stoa018.ogl-lat1:1.1" n="2">

lcerrato commented 1 year ago

@AlisonBabeu Unfortunately, we are going to have to audit for missing data/sections.

AlisonBabeu commented 1 year ago

hey @lcerrato I started with the stoa0022.stoa020, which was which more intact. And do we need to call the Internal Revenue service for texts? :)