OpenHD / QOpenHD

QOpenHD App
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QOpenHD for rock5 #595

Closed xueshenan closed 9 months ago

xueshenan commented 9 months ago

Hi , I want to use QOpenHD in rock5(rk3588 platform). I found the project has rock5_h264_decode.service. So how to use the rock5 decode service in QOpenHD.

xueshenan commented 9 months ago

For now I known how to use rock5_h264_decode.service to start video streaming service. But one more question, how to use the rock5_qopenhd.service, I just compile the QOpenHD and lunch the rock5_qopenhd service, but the QOPenHD is lunch failed.

raphaelscholle commented 9 months ago

Getting hardware accelerated decoding is extremely tricky, in the next OpenHD Release it will be included. On the current images it doesn't work and just installing it on a prebuild image will also not work.

If you want to use the Rock5 as ground you should be able to just do it with one of the images we provide for the platform.

xueshenan commented 9 months ago

For now, I know how to lunch QOpenHD in rock5 with eglfs. I want to use the hardware decoder, so I need to start rock5_h264_decode.service as video layer and the rock5_qopenhd.service as ui layer.

|              ___________|_______________
|              |                          |
|  video       |                          |
|  layer       |                          |
|              |    ui  layer             |
|              |                          |
|______________|                          |

the service can lunch success, but the ui layer is not render transparent, so the video layer is not visiable. I know this is not a problem about QOpenHD, so just close this issue.