OpenHD / QOpenHD

QOpenHD App
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ADSB map display with targets drawn in c++ canvas #647

Closed pilotnbr1 closed 6 months ago

pilotnbr1 commented 6 months ago

The map is working again. Things TODO- 1) url is static- needs to be dynamically formed 2)map center coords is not being shared and the old way was pretty messy 3)user ui widget to control adsb 4)local message equivalent needs to be fixed so user knows whats happening 5)SDR stuff is untouched and really needs to be approached from 1090dump side first 6)Mavlink FC adsb messages are commented out... might leave them that way. Who has an adsb reciever on their uav? 7) anywhere there is a "TODO" needs to be fixed