OpenHD / QOpenHD

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Adsb internet api responding to map center coordinates #650

Closed pilotnbr1 closed 6 months ago

pilotnbr1 commented 6 months ago

Functional adsb api internet. Nothing done to SDR stuff yet. No gui to control ADSB yet. This simply lets you scroll around on the map and look at traffic from the internet api.

Consti seemed to indicate drawing in QML and sprites would be better than drawing in C+ objects. So that is an area of possible improvement.

For now I would say the next area to work on would be: 1) adsb internet api calls can be turned off and on by the gui controls. 2) gui controls for max distance you want api to request 3)redesign the adsb widget that could be the holder for 1 and 2