OpenHD / QOpenHD

QOpenHD App
208 stars 81 forks source link

macOS / Mac App Store support #653

Closed pierrekin closed 5 months ago

pierrekin commented 6 months ago

Would the project be welcoming to an effort (PR / assets / descriptions etc) to support, package for, and publish QOpenHD on the Mac platform and app store?

raphaelscholle commented 6 months ago

sure, the only reason why we don't have mac/ios support is that we do not have a dev with mac hardware

Consti10 commented 5 months ago

We'd be happy about someone both fixing the few remaining things to make qopenhd functional on ios / macos again. Please note that publishing the app (perhaps monitarized to support openhd development) is not permitted to an indivdual without consulting the whole team first.