OpenHD / QOpenHD

QOpenHD App
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Build errors #708

Open ruslan-gennadievich opened 1 week ago

ruslan-gennadievich commented 1 week ago

Try to build under linux (kali)

/home/rr/Downloads/QOpenHD/app/telemetry/tutil/geodesi_helper.cpp:9: error: 'geodesic.h' file not found ../../app/telemetry/tutil/geodesi_helper.cpp:9:10: fatal error: 'geodesic.h' file not found

include "geodesic.h"

raphaelscholle commented 1 week ago

We don't really support anything but Ubuntu/Debian, but since kali is based on debian, can you give me the version you're using and I may be able to look into that in more details.