OpenHausIO / backend

HTTP API for the OpenHaus SmartHome/IoT solution
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Add a labels array "serializer/deserializer" #483

Open mStirner opened 2 months ago

mStirner commented 2 months ago

Convert label(s) dot notoation to a object. e.g.

let labels = [
    "oh.notifications.smtp.topic=Hello World",
    "", // wrong - gerts converted to object instead of string

will be:

  oh: {
    notifications: {
      smtp: {
        enabled: 'true',
        topic: 'Hello World',
        sender: ''
      enabled: 'true',
      states: [ 'foo', 'bar' ]
    history: { states: [ '*' ], duration: '3600' },
    json: '{"timemstamp":1720719319460,"bool":true,"zero":null,"obj":{"str":"Hello from json"}}'
  private: 'true',
  'my-super-label': 'value'
marc@workstation:~/projects/OpenHaus/plugins/oh-plg-smtp-sender$ nodemon test.js 
[nodemon] 3.1.0
[nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
[nodemon] watching path(s): *.*
[nodemon] watching extensions: js,mjs,cjs,json
[nodemon] starting `node test.js`
labels [
  'oh.notifications.smtp.topic=Hello World',
  'oh.json={"timemstamp":1720719321281,"bool":true,"zero":null,"obj":{"str":"Hello from json"}}'
parsedObj {
  oh: {
    notifications: {
      smtp: {
        enabled: 'true',
        topic: 'Hello World',
        sender: ''
      enabled: 'true',
      states: [ 'foo', 'bar' ]
    history: { states: [ '*' ], duration: '3600' },
    json: '{"timemstamp":1720719321281,"bool":true,"zero":null,"obj":{"str":"Hello from json"}}'
  private: 'true',
  'my-super-label': 'value'
function arrayToObject(labels) {

    let result = {};

    labels.forEach((label, i) => {

        let [path, value] = label.split("=");
        let parts = path.split('.');
        let current = result;

        for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {

            let key = parts[i];
            let isLast = (i === parts.length - 1);
            let isArray = key.endsWith('[]');

            if (isArray) {
                key = key.slice(0, -2);

            if (isLast) {

                //value = (value === "true") ? true : (value === "false") ? false : value;

                if (isArray) {

                    if (!current[key]) {
                        current[key] = [];


                } else {

                    current[key] = value;


            } else {

                if (!current[key]) {
                    current[key] = {};

                current = current[key];




    return result;


function objectToArray(obj, prefix = "") {

    let result = [];

    for (let key in obj) {
        let value = obj[key];
        let newKey = prefix ? `${prefix}.${key}` : key;

        if (typeof value === 'object' && !Array.isArray(value)) {
            result = result.concat(objectToArray(value, newKey));
        } else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
            value.forEach(val => {
        } else {

    return result;


Could be added as static methods to the Labels class (class.labels.js)

mStirner commented 1 month ago

Improved version:

const util = require("util");

function arrayToObject(labels) {

    let result = {};

    labels.forEach((label, i) => {

        let [path, value] = label.split("=");
        let parts = path.split('.');
        let current = result;

        for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {

            let key = parts[i];
            let isLast = (i === parts.length - 1);
            let isArray = key.endsWith('[]');

            if (isArray) {
                key = key.slice(0, -2);

            if (isLast) {

                //value = (value === "true") ? true : (value === "false") ? false : value;

                if (isArray) {

                    if (!current[key]) {
                        current[key] = [];


                } else {

                    current[key] = value;


            } else {

                if (!current[key]) {
                    current[key] = {};

                current = current[key];




    return result;


function objectToArray(obj, prefix = "") {

    let result = [];

    for (let key in obj) {
        let value = obj[key];
        let newKey = prefix ? `${prefix}.${key}` : key;

        if (typeof value === 'object' && !Array.isArray(value)) {
            result = result.concat(objectToArray(value, newKey));
        } else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
            value.forEach(val => {
        } else {

    return result;


const json = {
    bool: true,
    zero: null,
    obj: {
        str: "Hello from json"

// Beispielaufruf
let labels = [
    "oh.notifications.smtp.topic=Hello World",
    "", // wrong - gerts converted to object instead of string

console.log("labels", labels)

const ohLabels = labels.filter((label) => {
    return !label.startsWith("oh.");

const parsedObj = arrayToObject(labels);
const arrayFromObj = objectToArray(parsedObj);

console.log("parsedObj", util.inspect(parsedObj, false, 100, true));
console.log("arrayFromObj", arrayFromObj);

const same = (() => {

    let valid = labels.every((label) => {
        return arrayFromObj.includes(label);

    valid &= arrayFromObj.length === labels.length;

    return Boolean(valid);


console.log("Array same", same);


labels [
  'oh.notifications.smtp.topic=Hello World',
  'oh.json={"timemstamp":1721501606716,"bool":true,"zero":null,"obj":{"str":"Hello from json"}}'
parsedObj {
  oh: {
    notifications: {
      smtp: {
        enabled: 'true',
        topic: 'Hello World',
        sender: ''
      enabled: 'true',
      states: [ 'foo', 'bar' ]
    history: { states: [ '*' ], duration: '3600' },
    json: '{"timemstamp":1721501606716,"bool":true,"zero":null,"obj":{"str":"Hello from json"}}'
  private: 'true',
  'my-super-label': 'value'
arrayFromObj [
  'oh.notifications.smtp.topic=Hello World',
  'oh.json={"timemstamp":1721501606716,"bool":true,"zero":null,"obj":{"str":"Hello from json"}}',
Array same true