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Image slideshow, IIIF (inspector) #750

Open gregallensworth opened 4 years ago

gregallensworth commented 4 years ago

New question from Jeff:

image display in the inspector

How tough would it be to make it IIIF compliant? Reason for this... to be able (I think) to define, say, a viewing box for a particular image and then focus on that area. Or, a point / region on an underlying map, without having to render the whole thing.

danrademacher commented 4 years ago

I looked at those specs and have some thoughts:

  1. What we are doing now is about the simplest thing one can do with an image on the Internet: take a url and put it in an img tag. There’s of course styling and carousel but basically we’re displaying an image in a very basic way
  2. Far as I can tell the IIIF standard is for institutions serving up a lot of images as a service. Most of the participating orgs are museums and the like. Seems like the Q might be more about whether Wikimedia Fdn plans to or does support serving their images this way.

But I might be misunderstanding the question. The link above crosses to 4 or 5 very long specs so it’s a lot to take in.

I think we need to better understand what @jeffreyameyer is asking here. I don't think it will be "easy" to go from loading an image hosted by others to having an IIIF-compliant image serving and display service that allows for dynamic focus on different parts of an image.

Perhaps there are existing such services that our client needs to consume? That might be a bit more tractable in the context of a client-side application, which is what we are building.

jeffreyameyer commented 4 years ago

I was asking more about the ability to view IIIF stuff than to serve it.

Main interest, eg. would be to link to something like this:

but to be able to display a small box inside that larger image... e.g. for the Occidental Hotel.

Same could be for a larger Sanborn map. Of course, that's possibly best done with a georeferenced raster layer...