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Improve handling of settings.yml for website, staging, production #760

Closed danrademacher closed 2 weeks ago

danrademacher commented 1 month ago

Note on ENV vars and settings.yml

We should change to the following:

  1. ohm-deploy should read directly from
  2. a new settings-local.yml file exists in ohm-deploy that includes ONLY the variables we need to override because they are secret (so not tracked in git) or they vary by environment.
  3. in ohm-deploy references that settings-local.yml with sed commands

@batpad can you confirm this aligns with your recommendation during the call?

Rub21 commented 1 month ago

This changes has been deploy in staging

Rub21 commented 1 month ago

Actually this is settings.local.yml not settings-local.yml , also some values are not overwritten that is causing,

danrademacher commented 4 weeks ago

Is the work on this ticket complete on staging? I think so, but want to be sure -- if so, once we do our next prod deploy, we can close this ticket