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Make new timeslider demo to use MapLibre #788

Open danrademacher opened 2 weeks ago

danrademacher commented 2 weeks ago

Currently, we use this old demo to rapidly test the map style with time filtering outside of a whole Rails stack:,-4000-2023

That is using old MBGL. So not a perfect match for the live website which now uses MapLibre.

That demo also uses an old version oft he timeslider.

We also have this demo of the newer timeslider in Leaflet shimmed with old GL:

Ideally, we would do the following:

  1. Make a new demo of current Timeslider (v2) in a simple Maplibre map, drawing the map style live from
  2. this demo could live in to make clear it is for demoing the map styles in that repo
  3. Bonus to allow selecting different styles (rails, woodblock, Japanese scroll)

cc @tsinn and @vknoppkewetzel does this capture what you need for testing?

vknoppkewetzel commented 2 weeks ago

That sounds great, especially useful if we can switch between styles in one URL!