Imported sketchup model with rig from mixamo (Draco, Professor Quirel, Hagrid) and their animation (idle, walk, run)
Changed the NPC class to handle (new) Animator component. If Animator does not exist, it is using the (old) Animation component.
Hagrid: just changed the model of the existing NPC
Draco: made it aggressive NPC. I thought later on it could be non-aggressive and a quest could be a challenge to defeat draco.
Professor Quirel: non aggressive just walking around school
Animation are not perfect yet. I am learning on another project and I hope to come back on it later.
Imported sketchup model with rig from mixamo (Draco, Professor Quirel, Hagrid) and their animation (idle, walk, run) Changed the NPC class to handle (new) Animator component. If Animator does not exist, it is using the (old) Animation component.