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An alternative landing page text #12

Open aschrijver opened 3 years ago

aschrijver commented 3 years ago

Sorry if I'm a bit late in looking in detail at the site landing page! My general impression was the text was too long, and did not provide the gist at the top in a well-structured manner. Plus too technical, too quick. I don't know if my draft below is any better, but I didn't want to provide this feedback without showing at least some idea of a different setup.

Also, forgive me again, I took freedom to introduce a new name after the vote was closed. The domain is free too. The extension according to wikipedia is for "Camping/RV sites, travel writers & bloggers, outdoor adventure companies, summer camps for kids, hotels, hostels, lodges, bed & breakfast lodging", so most appropriate. Wrt commercial products its our camp against theirs, was the idea. While I like 'Fairtravellers' (voted for it) the name 'TakeABreak' to me is entirely non-descriptive, plus I associate with "Take a break, take a KitKat" advertisement slogan (even though it starts with "Have a break..").

Hospitality Camp

We keep online hospitality exchange open and social.

Showing kindness to guests and giving strangers a warm welcome, hospitality has always been part of human nature. Wonderful people who share with others, and exchange life's stories and adventures. The internet age allowed hosts and travellers from all around the world to find each other more easily, and spontaneous communities emerged online. Nowadays many hospitality exchange platforms exist where people can plan their travels.

However there is a problem that threatens the open hospitality culture. There's money to be earned from hospitality and commercial incentives have warped the values and ideals of some popular hospitality platforms. A trend of platform monetization exists, that is not in the interest of the communities that embraced these platforms. It is time to make a stand against the companies involved in this development, hence we find ourselves in the opposite camp: Our main objective is to break this commercial trend.

Join our camp

Hospitality camp exists to turn the tide again, to keep online hospitality exchange open and social. We want to unify hospitality exchange communities into one big movement full-of-variety to ensure everlasting community and a vibrant culture. Open and transparent for everyone and forever. We envision a variety of platforms to exist, united in diversity, where each of them is built around their own unique characteristics. You are most welcome to join and participate. We need your help!

What we do

We’d like new communities to freely form, grow and evolve to keep serving their communities’ needs. Our primary focus is to learn from each other, to collaborate intricately and strenghten our common path. Our main goals are:

We have great plans for the future. [Learn more about our roadmap, and find where you fit in](). Come sit at our campfire!

Who's involved

Currently our camp includes contributors to the following platforms:

Potentially candidates also include:

When can we welcome you into our midst?

Help wanted

In our cozy camp there are technologists and other people from our communities that are passionate to discover the many opportunities of hospitality exchange still unexplored. Some of us are developers and software engineers that are currently involved in open hospitality projects, while others are advisors and designers offering a helping hand. We are looking for experience and expertise from anywhere, and all of you can help.

We invite you to contribute or just to camp with us, to keep yourself informed. Provide your feedback, vote for features, brainstorm and ask questions on our Trello board. Come join us in our chatroom and let's meet. Or just pick an issue from our tracker and begin to work on it. Our contributor guidelines make it easy for you to start.

mariha commented 3 years ago

21 serves as a container for feedback and issues with the current project description