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Call for Moderators #55

Open jacquescrocker opened 8 years ago

jacquescrocker commented 8 years ago

We don't have a karma system yet to choose the moderators, however if you'd like to become a moderator just reply to this github issue! We'll reach out

nblackburn commented 8 years ago

I am more than happy to help!

rmcfadzean commented 8 years ago

Interested :+1: @rmcfadzean

edisonchee commented 8 years ago

Would love to help.

wuliwong commented 8 years ago

I would like to help.

skx commented 8 years ago

Happy to volunteer .. @stolen_souls is my twitter-username

jacquescrocker commented 8 years ago

we'll get you guys set up tonight! also post your @twitter usernames plz


nblackburn commented 8 years ago


wadehammes commented 8 years ago

Interested in helping as well! @whammes

edisonchee commented 8 years ago


jacquescrocker commented 8 years ago

added you guys as moderator

we haven't set up our moderation guidelines yet so please moderate with caution (only remove the obvious spam)

Also, you have the ability to edit the title/description of posts in case there's any slightly offensive language that you can clean up. If its full offensive, then just hide the post.

there's an audit trail for all activity here, please keep an eye on that as well to make sure there's no overly aggressive moderation

All moderation actions give you the chance to provide a "reason". Please use that to explain to the community why you performed that action.

Feel free to add a few more trusty moderators, but let's keep the count down for now to prevent issues. Once the proper karma system is in place, we'll have a better way to identify moderators

Thanks a ton!

nicolasegosum commented 8 years ago

I'd love to help. @nicolasegosum

nblackburn commented 8 years ago

@nicolasegosum Bumped you to mod.

vaMuchenje commented 8 years ago

If there is still room for a mod, I would like to be one. @vamuchenje

nblackburn commented 8 years ago

@vaMuchenje sure, create yourself an account by logging in with Twitter and I will get you bumped.

vaMuchenje commented 8 years ago

@nblackburn I did.

nblackburn commented 8 years ago

@vaMuchenje For some reason, i am unable to add you as a moderator as it is resulting in a 500 server error which will need looking into.

skx commented 8 years ago

I suspect I've not been added, or have been added then removed.

I don't see any obvious report/flag options on the site, and my name isn't in the audit log

Friday shows a link to Digital Ocean, which is just a referral spammer. Looking for credits.