OpenIB / OpenIB

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Installation MOD.php 500 error #289

Open lambright opened 5 years ago

lambright commented 5 years ago

I have edited my connection strings. In the inc/secrets.php file, But I keep getting a 500 error.

It's so frustrating. I have gotten many versions of vichan working.

I don't have the DirectIO module. But I do have read write premissions. I'm on a godaddy server.

Any pointers? I have been on this two days now. I can't figure this out.

mascali33 commented 5 years ago

If in your logs it's a problem related to Parsedown.php that is missing it's because it look like git didn't clone it so try to add this file to the inc/lib/parsedown/ directory and it should work

lambright commented 5 years ago

Great news. That did give me the login page.

Thank you.

Now I have a new error. Caught fatal error: Call to undefined function apc_fetch() in /home/content/34/9172734/html/grandjest/inc/cache.php on line 49 screen shot 2018-08-06 at 12 43 09 am

screen shot 2018-08-06 at 12 40 54 am

I'm reading it might be. add the APCu Backwards Compatiblity Module. Any thoughts?

lambright commented 5 years ago

I wonder is there a way I can override this? Maybe do some hand edits in a config file to get the ball rolling? Caught fatal error: Call to undefined function apc_fetch() in /home/content/34/9172734/html/grandjest/inc/cache.php on line 49

mascali33 commented 5 years ago

Did you try to set $config['cache']['enabled'] = 'php'; in the secret file ? EDIT: I will try to resolve it on my side EDIT2: Putting the cache to php helped to resolve the problem on my side, hope it solved yours too

lambright commented 5 years ago

That worked. Thank you. And let me say "Thank you again" You're awesome!

I created a new board, but now I can't find the edit. It's not where it was in viChan. screen shot 2018-08-08 at 4 48 54 pm

screen shot 2018-08-08 at 4 49 53 pm

mascali33 commented 5 years ago

Look like OpenIB didn't implement the edit buttons for a board but the page still exist so

lambright commented 5 years ago

Thank you. Thank you. was it.
screen shot 2018-08-10 at 12 40 38 am

lambright commented 5 years ago

Now I'm getting this error. I search the issues, there was another person who had this but no fix yet. I have read-write permissions on the folder. I had vichan working here before. I looked to turn on debugging but it's been removed from this version. screen shot 2018-08-10 at 8 59 18 pm

lambright commented 5 years ago

I'm stuck. I can't get this to work. Does anybody have any ideas?

sardach commented 5 years ago


Using #291, finally found the problem: inc/functions.php, line:2019 Here is a function calling to a table that is not created by install.sql

Dont know the detaills, but i get working the posting 2 ways:

1.- Go to functions.php and comment all the code inside the function checkTorlist and adding a return true; seleccion_843

2.- Create a table in the db named "torlist" with the columns "count" and "ip"

srrry 4 poor english i formerly speak only mexican :)


lambright commented 5 years ago

Awesome! I'll work on this tomorrow and report back. Your English is Good don't worry, we'll figure it out.

lambright commented 5 years ago

This was the SQL Query:

CREATE TABLE MyServersName.torlist ( ip VARCHAR( 39 ) NOT NULL , count INT( 10 ) NOT NULL ) ENGINE = MYISAM

screen shot 2018-08-25 at 11 19 53 pm

I'm now getting this error. I'll try to trace it down.
screen shot 2018-08-25 at 11 35 13 pm

lambright commented 5 years ago

sardach Can you share the code of your db if it's easy or does mine look OK? can you

Share the code of functions.php

I did not turn on debugging do I need to do what you did there?

screen shot 2018-08-26 at 12 21 45 am

lambright commented 5 years ago

Hello, to anybody who has an idea how to get this working?
Below is the Config editor. The password for the database is for testing, when I go live I'll change it. No need to worry about security at this moment.

Does anybody spot any configurations incorrect? Thank you for any help.

screen shot 2018-08-26 at 9 40 19 pm screen shot 2018-08-26 at 9 40 30 pm screen shot 2018-08-26 at 9 40 47 pm screen shot 2018-08-26 at 9 41 53 pm screen shot 2018-08-26 at 9 42 03 pm

codingneko commented 5 years ago

Sorry for reviving this thread almost a year after with a question, but the error is similar, just that I straight up can't seem to get past the login, I log in with admin/password and then I immediately get "The database returned an error while processing your request. Please try again later." image which is a very descriptive error, and I really can't figure out what to do, I did pretty much everything mentioned in this thread, I enabled php cache and downloaded parsedown where it's supposed to be, I also did everything in the readme obviously and vichan works fine on my server, but OpenIB wont... (I'm obviously using different dbs)

9san commented 4 years ago

@codingneko bit late, but if you disable the config option that masks the database error it will give a much clearer picture as to what is wrong. I don't remember what I did to fix it, but it was fairly simple db fix.