Vendor version was V5.00.R02.000629G3.10010.140200.0020000
It did upgraded without any troubles with
Everything runs ok except picture from sensor
Majestic logs
majestic[1090]: Majestic Lite for Novatek, version master+401f141, built on 2024-05-19
majestic[1090]: Watchdog device (/dev/watchdog) not found
majestic[1090]: Set server path: /var/www
majestic[1090]: HTTP server started on :::80
majestic[1090]: Loading main configuration: /etc/majestic.yaml
majestic[1090]: SENSOR=sc401ai
majestic[1090]: Using /etc/sensors/sc401ai.yaml as sensor config
majestic[1090]: VI: sc401ai @ 0x60 [2560x1440]
majestic[1090]: Memory pool[0]: 0x00005200 x 2
majestic[1090]: Memory pool[1]: 0x00546200 x 1
majestic[1090]: Memory pool[2]: 0x00083600 x 1
majestic[1090]: sys_info.devid 0xFFFFE102, cur_fps[0]=0/100, vd_count=0^M
majestic[1090]: set_cap_param CROP NONE=0
majestic[1090]: set_cap_param OUT=0
majestic[1090]: RTSP server started on port 554
As says:
"Work in progress. We learned a lot about the platform hardware and code base, prepared the first public binary build, and are waiting for the first adopters to test it on their boards and provide feedback to help us move"
So here am I
Camera is running on NT98562
Vendor version was V5.00.R02.000629G3.10010.140200.0020000 It did upgraded without any troubles with 000629G3_OpenIPC_IPC_NT98562_80N40_S38.bin
Everything runs ok except picture from sensor
Majestic logs
Kernel logs
I beleive that kernel logs shows that problem start around "ERR:_isf_vdocap_do_getportstruct() get sen[0] fps failed!(-11)"
Selected sensor is sc401ai /etc/sensors/sc401ai.yaml
As says: "Work in progress. We learned a lot about the platform hardware and code base, prepared the first public binary build, and are waiting for the first adopters to test it on their boards and provide feedback to help us move" So here am I