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No network access with u-boot for hi3518cv100 #491

Open PinkFreud opened 1 year ago

PinkFreud commented 1 year ago

I decided to try installing openipc on my old Foscam (FI9821W V2.1, HI3518CV100). While following through the instructions, I made it as far as flashing the u-boot image ( and repartitioning flash for openipc. The next step has me install openipc firmware from tftp (where I successfully saved a backup of my original flash contents in the first step!). Unfortunately, I can no longer reach the tftp server at this point - both tftp and ping fails.

I can see the network interface reset when I try to start tftp or ping - the serial console tells me the interface is down, followed by another line informing me the interface is back up. If I look at the switch when this happens, I see the link light turn off briefly, followed by it turning back on. Unfortunately, that's the only thing I get - if I watch for traffic from the camera board with wireshark, I see nothing. Network functionality in the above u-boot image seems to simply be broken.

Is this a known issue? Is there anything I can do to recover at this point without having to unsolder the flash IC from the board and connecting to it directly?

DSchndr commented 1 year ago

I don't know if xmodem upload works but "ubootwrite" should be able to upload kernel and squashfs over serial if you have time...

CKlymko commented 10 months ago

I think this may be a foscam issue because I'm seeing very similar results with the F19826w with the hi3518cv100. I was able to downgrade the foscam firmware to a version where tftp was enabled in uboot. I made a backup and did all the required checking for which gpios did what and where and all that stuff. When I flashed the full image (lite was the only one available for this chip) the network was dead. There's a physical link light that flashes but that's it. There's no network in uboot, and no network in the openipc system. I even checked mii in uboot and there are no devices showing up but there were 0 and 1 showing up in the default firmware. I thought maybe some gpio needed to pop up to enable the network, but I couldn't get a reply out of toggling any of the gpios. As in it wouldn't even respond to toggling the known IR CUT or any other gpio settings. Oddly though when I pull the ethernet cable I do see activity on the serial console and I see that it is trying to find the network adapter when I plug the cable back in. It seems like there's a bunch of stuff missing for this chip with regards to it being a foscam.

Upon further digging it seems that everything in this camera is configured and runs only via the app that is packed in the firmware. So it is a little frustrating to flash openipc to it and then having to flash back to the factory backup over and over to try and get some sign of life from this thing.