OpenIPC / majestic

Majestic Community edition integration kit
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RTSP server fails to start #155

Closed tosa500 closed 3 months ago

tosa500 commented 4 months ago

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Issue description

RTSP server fails to start, port 554 is closed. majestic master+42a1915, 2024-02-17

14:26:32  <       majestic> [    main] main@240                      Majestic Lite for HiSilicon, version master+42a1915, built on 2024-02-17
14:26:33  <       majestic> [watchdog] watchdog_start@91             Detected Hisilicon Watchdog
14:26:33  <       majestic> [watchdog] watchdog_start@111            Watchdog timeout set to 300 seconds
14:26:33  <       majestic> [   httpd] start_web_server@386          Set server path: /var/www
14:26:33  <       majestic> [   httpd] new_http_server@375           HTTP server started on :::80
14:26:33  <       majestic> [    main] init_sdk@66                   Loading main configuration: /etc/majestic.yaml
14:26:33  <       majestic> [     sdk] try_sensor_config@3378        SENSOR=ov2710
14:26:33  <       majestic> [     sdk] find_sensor_config@3345       matched sensor config: ov2710_i2c_dc_1080p.ini
14:26:33  <       majestic> [     sdk] start_sdk@387                 Using /etc/sensors/ov2710_i2c_dc_1080p.ini sensor configuration file
14:26:33  <       majestic> [     sdk] start_sdk@390                 App was built with MPP version: Hi3518_MPP_V1.0.B.0.
14:26:33  <       majestic> [     sdk] start_sdk@395                 Current MPP version: HI_VERSION=Hi3518_MPP_V1.0.B.0 
14:26:33  <      hi_logger> [      vi] VIU_DRV_DisableChn@1470       [    vi] !! Disable ViChn:0 timeout 120ms!!!
14:26:33  <       majestic> [     sdk] start_sdk@423                 sensor ov2710
14:26:33  <       majestic> [     sdk] start_sdk@431                   dev [1920x1080]@0x0 30fps, BGGR
14:26:33  <       majestic> [  sensor] try_to_load@19                trying to load /usr/lib/sensors/
14:26:33  <       majestic> [     hal] hisi_free_mem_ex@755          Free MMZ mem before allocation: 97404KB
14:26:33  <       majestic> [     sdk] dump_vb_configuration@2258    VB configuration:
14:26:33  <       majestic> [     sdk] dump_vb_configuration@2261      [0]: 3133440 x 10
14:26:33  <       majestic> [     hal] hisi_free_mem_ex@755          Free MMZ mem after allocation: 66784KB
14:26:33  <       majestic> [    puts]                               ignore gu8SensorMode setting
14:26:33  <       majestic> [     sdk] init_sensor@2453              Sensor driver loaded
14:26:34  <       majestic> [    puts]                               ov2710 1080p  30fps init ok!
14:26:34  <     iq_monitor> [     sdk] monitor_thread@315            Loading IQ profile /etc/sensors/iq/default.ini
14:26:34  <       majestic> [     sdk] log_venc_chn@1239             H.264 1920x1080 30fps 4096Kbit  30 GOP
14:26:34  <       majestic> [     sdk] create_vpss_chn@983             new venc: 0   vpss_grp: 0,   vpss_chn: 0
14:26:34  <       majestic> [     sdk] start_video@2001                venc took 7664KB of MMZ [1518]
14:26:34  <       majestic> [     sdk] start_sdk@535                 HiSilicon SDK started
14:26:34  <       majestic> [     hal] hisi_free_mem_ex@755          Free MMZ mem finally: 50168KB
14:26:34  <       majestic> [  server] RtspServer_new@189            Cannot create RTSP listener
14:26:34  <       majestic> [    rtsp] rtsp_init@28                  RTSP server started on port 554
lebestnoob commented 4 months ago

I experience the same issue on Hi3518ev100, which is part of the Hi3516cv100 family.

skilurius commented 3 months ago

This should have been fixed with a recent update.