Closed harklib closed 1 year ago
Hi, If the replication status is normal Check the index information and status of the server.
If the number of entries is too large, the index setting may not work properly. Thanks,
cannot reproduce please provide init script
I have a replicated cluster with 2 servers. I've noticed doing a ldapsearch for the same entry gets logged on one of the servers with nentries=0 and on the other nentries=1. Is this normal behavior? A grep under /opt/opendj/logs returns numerous nentries=0 OR neentries=1, in general.
Server1 [18/Jul/2022:09:02:40 -0400] SEARCH REQ conn=916494 op=3 msgID=4 base="dc=university,dc=edu" scope=sub filter="(&(objectClass=CSMailForwardingPerson)(objectClass=CSContactForwardedPerson)(!(objectClass=inetLocalMailRecipient))(" attrs="objectClass,mailForwardingAddress" [18/Jul/2022:09:02:40 -0400] SEARCH RES conn=916494 op=3 msgID=4 result=0 nentries=0 etime=1
... Server2 [18/Jul/2022:09:14:02 -0400] SEARCH REQ conn=1807623 op=3 msgID=4 base="dc=university,dc=edu" scope=sub filter="(&(objectClass=CSMailForwardingPerson)(objectClass=CSContactForwardedPerson)(!(objectClass=inetLocalMailRecipient))(" attrs="objectClass,mailForwardingAddress" [18/Jul/2022:09:14:02 -0400] SEARCH RES conn=1807623 op=3 msgID=4 result=0 nentries=1 etime=1
Thanks, Brian