I cannot figure out the proper display functions
M5Cardputer.begin(true); // Initialize M5Stack Cardputer board.
xTaskCreate(audio_recording_task, "AUDIO", 4096, NULL, 4, NULL); // Create a task for audio recording.
void loop()
// Don't use delay here, should use elapsed time
uint32_t last_dns_ms = 0;
if ((millis() - last_dns_ms) > DNS_INTERVAL) {
last_dns_ms = millis(); // seems to help with stability, if you are doing other things in the loop this may not be needed
dnsServer.processNextRequest(); // I call this atleast every 10ms in my other projects (can be higher but I haven't tested it for stability)
// Check WiFi connection status
if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED && !hasSetupWebsocket)
if (server_domain != "")
Serial.println("Setting up websocket to 01OS " + server_domain + ":" + server_port);
websocket_setup(server_domain, server_port);
hasSetupWebsocket = true;
Serial.println("Websocket connection flow completed");
I am unsure if the code needs to be completely changed I have changed everything for M5 cardputer but I keep receiving a blank screen
I have tried to run 01 on the M5 CARDPUTER
I cannot figure out the proper display functions M5Cardputer.begin(true); // Initialize M5Stack Cardputer board. M5Cardputer.Display; xTaskCreate(audio_recording_task, "AUDIO", 4096, NULL, 4, NULL); // Create a task for audio recording. }
void loop() { // Don't use delay here, should use elapsed time uint32_t last_dns_ms = 0; if ((millis() - last_dns_ms) > DNS_INTERVAL) { last_dns_ms = millis(); // seems to help with stability, if you are doing other things in the loop this may not be needed dnsServer.processNextRequest(); // I call this atleast every 10ms in my other projects (can be higher but I haven't tested it for stability) }
I am unsure if the code needs to be completely changed I have changed everything for M5 cardputer but I keep receiving a blank screen