Other location identifier, if any (e.g., figure number, table number, footnote number, etc.): under the folder of "goodness of fit"
Original text: One way to check the viability of assessing electoral fraud using Benford’s law is to look to an election that you think to be fair and run the same analysis.
Suggestion for corrected text: One way to check the viability of assessing electoral fraud using Benford’s law is to look to an election that you think to be fair and run the same analysis.
Chapter number: tutorial 05
Section number: 05-infer-04
Other location identifier, if any (e.g., figure number, table number, footnote number, etc.): under the folder of "goodness of fit"
Original text: One way to check the viability of assessing electoral fraud using Benford’s law is to look to an election that you think to be fair and run the same analysis.
Suggestion for corrected text: One way to check the viability of assessing electoral fraud using Benford’s law is to look to an election that you think to be fair and run the same analysis.
Justification for suggestion: "to" should be "at"