After some inactivity, when trying to switch component in the IDE, an eternal "loading widget" appears (progress.gif) and nothing happens.
The server actually sends an error message back, but the client-side of the IDE doesn't deal with this and just "hangs".
The error sent by the server:
<partial-response><error><error-name>class javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException</error-name><error-message><![CDATA[viewId:/home.jsf - View /home.jsf could not be restored.]]></error-message></error></partial-response>
Strangely, the component I was working on (request presentation in this case) continues to work normally.
After some inactivity, when trying to switch component in the IDE, an eternal "loading widget" appears (progress.gif) and nothing happens. The server actually sends an error message back, but the client-side of the IDE doesn't deal with this and just "hangs".
The error sent by the server:
Strangely, the component I was working on (request presentation in this case) continues to work normally.