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Why isDataCaptureRunning is false? #113

Closed wenijinew closed 3 years ago

wenijinew commented 4 years ago


After starting capture,

% ixNet exec start ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/capture allTraffic;after 30000

I got:

% ixNet getA ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/capture -isDataCaptureRunning
% false
% ixNet getA ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/capture -isControlCaptureRunning
% true

What might cause -isDataCaptureRunning is false?

therkong commented 4 years ago

Did you enable Data capture? It is enabled by setting -softwareEnabled to true. See code snip: ixNet setAttribute $vPort/capture -softwareEnabled true ixNet commit

wenijinew commented 4 years ago

Yes, enabled both.

% ixNet getAttr $vPort/capture -softwareEnabled
% true
% ixNet getAttr $vPort/capture -hardwareEnabled
% true
therkong commented 4 years ago

Can you try it from GUI? Maybe the card type you're using does not support data capture (just guessing). You can also open a support ticket by sending email to One of our automation support team member can help you debug.

wenijinew commented 4 years ago

Maybe it depends on traffic stream configuration. For some test case, only -isControlCaptureRunning is true, for other test cases both are true.

I will check further.

therkong commented 4 years ago

traffic stream should not affect the capture buffer. Do you have the ixNet Linux API Server? If you have Windows API Server, it's easy to see if the Data Capture is enabled or not. For Linux API Server, open the API Browser and check if the Data Capture buffer is enabled or not.