OpenKinect / libfreenect2

Open source drivers for the Kinect for Windows v2 device
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point cloud support and/or helpers #515

Open ahundt opened 8 years ago

ahundt commented 8 years ago

Possible forms point cloud support could come in:

There are a few disparate places where this is being worked on with PCL specifically: pcl pull request giacomodabisias/libfreenect2pclgrabber ahundt/libfreenect2pclgrabber (fork)

@giacomodabisias may be interested in this discussion

floe commented 8 years ago

We already have a lot of issues with the absolutely unavoidable dependencies (OpenGL, OpenCL, libusb), so I'd avoid going that route. Regarding helper functions, there is Registration::getPointXYZRGB (, is that what you have in mind?

giacomodabisias commented 8 years ago

Yeah, I would also avoid that for now and maintain things separate

xlz commented 8 years ago

I agree we can add more helpers or variants of Registration::getPointXYZRGB to make it easier to export to PCL.

Also, I plan for a data recorder which saves data in PCLZF format and can be imported to PCL with its own interfaces/tools.

None of these need extra dependency.

The pclgrabber is interesting. I think the purpose of that is mostly realtime pointcloud visualization. That is best done on the PCL side.

hanyazou commented 8 years ago

JFYI: I wrote my OpeNI2 driver to use libfreenect2 with PCL. (the pull request is You can grab point could data from Kinect to PCL because PCL have OpenNI2 grabber already. Pcl_openni2_viewer application in the PCL is a sample realtime point cloud viewer.