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error when whisper is hiding - "Invalid arguments." #2627

Closed ya4ept closed 5 years ago

ya4ept commented 5 years ago

Received packet: 0195 Handler: actor_info Received object info: Whisper Monster Info: Whisper (0) Received packet: 09FD Handler: actor_moved Monster Moved: Whisper (0) - (84, 63) -> (0, 0) Move You - (re)trying Sent move to: 84, 63 Received packet: 0983 Handler: actor_status_active You are again: UNKNOWN_STATUS_2014 Received packet: 08C8 Handler: actor_action [100/100] You attack Monster Whisper (0) (Dmg: 61!) (Delay: 292ms) Received packet: 009C Handler: actor_look_at You looks at 3, 0 Sent get player info: ID - B1 83 C2 06 AI: route attack | 3 Received packet: 0195 Handler: actor_info Received object info: Whisper Monster Info: Whisper (0) Received packet: 09FD Handler: actor_moved Monster Moved: Whisper (0) - (84, 63) -> (0, 0) Received packet: 0087 Handler: character_moves You're moving from (85, 64) to (84, 63) - distance 1.4 Move You - done Route You - trimming down solution (4) by 4 steps You reached the destination. Received packet: 0087 Handler: character_moves You're moving from (84, 63) to (85, 63) - distance 1.0 Received packet: 0195 Handler: actor_info Received object info: Whisper Monster Info: Whisper (1) Update attack giveup time Target distance 106.0 is >2.5; moving to target: from (85,63) to (2,0) You on route to: (): 2, 0 Sent Quit Disconnecting (

This program has encountered an unexpected problem. This is probably because of a recent server update, a bug in this program, or in one of the plugins. We apologize for this problem. You may get support from IRC or the forums.
A detailed error report has been saved to errors.txt. Before posting a bug report, please try 
out the latest release GIT version first. If you are already using the latest release GIT 
version, search the forums first to see if your problem had already been solved, or has 
already been reported. If you truly believe you have encountered a bug in the program, 
please include the contents of the errors.txt in your bug report
 (, or we may not be able to help you!

The error message is:
Invalid arguments.


@ai_seq = attack
Network state = 5
Network handler = Network::DirectConnection
Revision: ctime:2019_02_11
Loaded plugins:
  plugins/breakTime/ (breakTime; description: Automatically disconnect and reconnect at certain times of the day)
  plugins/eventMacro/ (eventMacro; description: allows usage of eventMacros)
  plugins/item_weight_recorder/ (item_weight_recorder; description: item_weight_recorder plugin)
  plugins/macro/ (macro; description: allows usage of macros)
  plugins/map/ (map; description: map)
  plugins/profiles/ (profiles; description: Profiles Selector)
  plugins/raiseSkill/ (raiseSkill; description: automatically raise character skills)
  plugins/raiseStat/ (raiseStat; description: automatically raise character stats)
  plugins/reconnect/ (reconnect; description: v1.0)
  plugins/xConf/ (xConf; description: commands for change items_control, mon_control, pickupitems, priority)

Error message:
Invalid arguments.

Stack trace:
Trace begun at src\Task\ line 81
Task::Route::new('Task::Route', 'actor', 'Actor::You=HASH(0x42edeac)', 'x', 2, 'y', 0, 'maxDistance', undef, 'maxTime', 4, 'avoidWalls', '', 'distFromGoal', undef, 'pyDistFromGoal', undef, 'notifyUponArrival', undef) called at src\ line 786
Actor::route('Actor::You=HASH(0x42edeac)', undef, 2, 0, 'maxRouteTime', 4, 'attackID', 'M-2M-^CM-B^F', 'noMapRoute', 1, 'noAvoidWalls', 1) called at src\AI\ line 531
AI::Attack::main at src\AI\ line 97
AI::Attack::process at src\AI\ line 82
AI::CoreLogic::iterate at src\ line 787
main::mainLoop_initialized at src\ line 75
main::mainLoop at src\ line 75
Interface::mainLoop('Interface::Console::Win32=HASH(0x1caab14)') called at line 97
main::__start at line 136

Died at this line:

*   unless ($args{actor}->isa('Actor') and $args{x} != 0 and $args{y} != 0) {
        ArgumentException->throw(error => "Invalid arguments.");
c4c1n6kr3m1 commented 5 years ago

hiding by move to (0, 0) ?

ya4ept commented 5 years ago

I think yes. This happens only with Whisper. but he doesn't seem to use skill

c4c1n6kr3m1 commented 5 years ago

server bug? remove actor with pos 0,0 ? remove actor outside 2xclientsight ? reject actor moving pos_to 0,0 ?

ya4ept commented 5 years ago

probably features of private server