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Openkore DC after try to move new chaos server idRO classic #519

Closed dare631 closed 7 years ago

dare631 commented 7 years ago

when bot try to attack or move they will kick from map server aslong as u not move they wont kick you anyone have a solution for this issue ? i want to try using posseidon but i cant read the extract file of clientinfo.xml cz its encrypted

RagnarokUSer001 commented 7 years ago

@dare631 can i get your email?

newbiehardwork commented 7 years ago

@dare631 Thank you for your guide why my bot always dc when pick item

newbiehardwork commented 7 years ago Can you help

thecupu commented 7 years ago


Your bot can pass gravindo ? Can you help sir ?

Translate Bot kamu bisa tembus dan farm? Ajarin dong caranya Tolong om

newbiehardwork commented 7 years ago

@thecupu Yes i can, but always error when loot item it say unknow. For now i use for lvl up not for farm.

First step if you wanna learn use all link posted by @m3kgin3er. Understand step by step and read carefully

thecupu commented 7 years ago


I dont see anylink on m3kgin3r profile

Saya tidak melihat link link dalam profilenya Apa mungkin yg om maksud yg dia post di ini github ?

iqbalpetet commented 7 years ago

@newbiehardwork You mean about the openkore-rakkiRO? is there any change that can make the openkore works for idRO?

newbiehardwork commented 7 years ago

@thecupu @iqbalpetet

First step i learn in FAQ openkore

Then his post in many isues

iqbalpetet commented 7 years ago

@newbiehardwork okay, how to usee peek apps, im stuck with it.. :( or you can add me on discord gokillzz#6590

thecupu commented 7 years ago


How to use peek apps ? I cant use it with rage.exe from indonesia

Gan saya tidak bisa menggunakan app peek, apa ada cara/teknik lain?

thecupu commented 7 years ago

@newbiehardwork add me on discord thecupu#5436

sctnightcore commented 7 years ago

how to find hmac ?

pls tell me

RediWidyawan commented 7 years ago

@newbiehardwork so you use KEEP to find the unknown packet to login? need some clue here...

newbiehardwork commented 7 years ago

@ArianaYoung Pass the issue unknow packet read this sir

Waiting idro maen tenis Hehehee

SanQiBa commented 7 years ago

4/18 openkore/dual back to 3/14

thecupu commented 7 years ago

@ArianaYoung maksudnya harus pakai plugin delphine ?

@SanQiBa om mau tanya, kalo sudah unpack with themida dengan olly terus gimana cara liat keynya ?

thecupu commented 7 years ago

@ArianaYoung kalo mmg seandainya pakai delphine plugin, gimana caranya biar ga kedetek wpe ?

qroms commented 7 years ago

14 maret

k1nt4r0 commented 7 years ago

sekian lama di tunggu2 akhirnya muncul lagi @SanQiBa clue lagi boleh om?

kalo di liat2 kyk nya ada yg masalah sama paket character_move sama actor, makanya dc2 terus boleh minta kontaknya? saya gk spam dan bukan leecher kok om :D

SanQiBa commented 7 years ago

@thecupu use IDA "find crypto" @k1nt4r0 use @m3kgin3er script, x10 a2

thecupu commented 7 years ago

@SanQiBa ow thx suhu jadi kalo udah dapat keynya, ga perlu lagi pakai delphine begitu ? sisa ganti di receive/idro bgitu ?

qroms commented 7 years ago

thx @SanQiBa saatnya kuliah setelah beberapa hari libur

k1nt4r0 commented 7 years ago

@SanQiBa which packet need to be edited?

RediWidyawan commented 7 years ago

@thecupu dude i don't speak bahasa

thecupu commented 7 years ago

@ArianaYoung i mean, if i get secureloginkey still need delphine sir ?

SanQiBa commented 7 years ago

@k1nt4r0 @thecupu they reuse the key date 14/3. delphine used only as an alternative cause the header random

iqbalpetet commented 7 years ago

@SanQiBa what you mean by script, x10 a2? is there the things on bRO? i've tried to use the bRO script but it wont login, and timeout when login to map server..

SanQiBa commented 7 years ago

@iqbalpetet ups i'm wrong, x10 a3 by char move. not map login.

first patrol for pilkada

thecupu commented 7 years ago

@SanQiBa tetap saja disconnect om apa mungkin karena saya menggunakan sniff jadi dc dc begitu ?

jgnkan key 14/3 sampai sekarang bot gw ga bs jalan oh ia om, caranya biar wpe di undetect gimana om ? bisa di email ke

iqbalpetet commented 7 years ago

@SanQiBa, ok i'll try, but the is there any change for recvpackets?

thecupu commented 7 years ago


kamu baca reviewnya om tetap disconnect >.<

k1nt4r0 commented 7 years ago

ia, sudah di coba x10 a2/x10 a3 tetap aja gk bisa

thecupu commented 7 years ago

@k1nt4r0 om jg dc dc jg yah ? menggunakan teknis sniff juga ? atau mungkin kita harus mengupdate recvpacket dulu soalnya sudah model lama >.<

k1nt4r0 commented 7 years ago

ia sniff juga sebelumnya pernah berhasil ubah paket random nya biar jadi wrong password lagi jadi cari key lagi kalo kata suhu @SanQiBa pake "find crypto" tapi dah di edit2 lagi jd lupa

iqbalpetet commented 7 years ago

@thecupu link that you gave me is page error 404 @k1nt4r0 which part that i shud change with x10 a3?

thecupu commented 7 years ago


k1nt4r0 commented 7 years ago

@iqbalpetet you try it already by urself ~_~"

Vestralls commented 7 years ago

Please use english!! This is international forum

thecupu commented 7 years ago

@k1nt4r0 @iqbalpetet anyone already try use xkore 1 ?

i hear from kaskus forum, they all using Xkore 1 because disconnect when move... i dont know how they do it

i try xkore 1 result game guard say "you cannot run this game together with start.exe" xkore 2 result= wrong password, maybe encrypt password xkore 3 result= walk 10 sec and disconnect from client then cannot resume again (Stuck !!)

@Vestralls sir can you help me how to bypass game guard from detected i want to try xkore 1 but game guard say "you cannot run this game together with start.exe"

i want to try use wpe but game guard say "you cannot run this game together with wpe.exe"

iqbalpetet commented 7 years ago

@k1nt4r0 ooo i see... luls... my head full of those shit.. hahaha ... yeah it wont works at all...

k1nt4r0 commented 7 years ago

tried already, the netredirect.dll injected twice. the first 1 = success second = fail

after update today, the xkore cannot connect anymore

sorry for bad english

newbiehardwork commented 7 years ago

@SanQiBa hello sir Recent update we can use old togel key? So with the MFC90 g h can use? Thanks fyi

thecupu commented 7 years ago

@SanQiBa Im already use ida but i cant find crypto key Where i can find them ? In panel function on thr left side ?

Translate indonesia Bro saya tidak menemukan crpyto di ida Dimana carinya? Apa gw yg salah cari ? Cari di function yah ? Yg panel kiri

thecupu commented 7 years ago

@k1nt4r0 Hellow , can you teach me how to find crpyto ? I already search by text and no result

ghost commented 7 years ago

I'm downloading this server at now. Please, stop flood at topic. This issue is not related with crypto key and heartbleed packet / gameguard ! ^^

It's only with wrong packet, wrong format or anything else that i will gonna check

k1nt4r0 commented 7 years ago

@thecupu i dont know about it, never try yet

@m3kgin3er oke sir, i'll waiting btw yesterday idRO have a new update, and after it done my bot work perfectly but a hour after update, the server shutdown and add a little update, after it the bot got the trouble again (Always DC)

gpstash commented 7 years ago


k1nt4r0 commented 7 years ago

@m3kgin3er any news sir?

svtest701 commented 7 years ago

Hey kintaro dont many hope from him.. he's dont know idRO system because he's never playing it

sanQiba method good works perfectly for connect openkore to server

Yah inti gampang caranya unpack dulu ragexe terus cari crypt key pakai peek habis ituh bikin perintah load key di taraa botnya bisa connect lagi kayak sblum patch Minggu ini cmn kalau jalan ttp dc hwhwhw

Oh iah sanQiba patch Minggu ini beda dengan patch 3/14 ..

Psst sanQiba gak main RO tapi suka tantangan ke patch padahal dia gak ngebot ?? #lupakan haha

thecupu commented 7 years ago

@svtest701 Unpack with what ?

Unpack dengan menggunakan apa bro ?