OpenLiberty / ci.ant

Ant tasks for managing Liberty profile server instances #devops
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Handle server stop error condition #129

Closed cherylking closed 4 years ago

cherylking commented 4 years ago

When a server stop command has a return code >= 20, it means an exception occurred during the stop. However, the server may still have stopped. One of the conditions that can cause a return code >= 20 is if the stop takes longer than 30 seconds. In that case, we will fail the build, even though the server may have stopped successfully.

When a return code >= 20 is received, we should instead issue a server status command. If the server status return code = 1, then we can presume the server stopped and return without error. If the server status return code = 0, the server is still running and we should fail the build as we did previously.

This is related to issue OpenLiberty/ci.gradle#554.

cherylking commented 4 years ago

Fixed with PR #130