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Restore is not working if using persistent storage with mountPath /output #452

Closed tam512 closed 9 months ago

tam512 commented 9 months ago

When using Persistence in OpenLibertyApplication yaml with the following configurations (I use NFS in this case) , InstantOn restore is not working.

      size: 5Gi
      mountPath: "/output"

There is no error, but I do not see /logs/checkpoint/restore.log file

% ls -l checkpoint 
total 1160
-rw-r--r--  1 tam  staff  586557 Sep 12 16:27 checkpoint.log
-rw-r--r--  1 tam  staff      51 Sep 12 16:27 stats-dump

There is no CWWKC0452I: The Liberty server process resumed operation from a checkpoint.... in messages.log and server start time indicate there is no instanton (The defaultServer server started in 8.359 seconds)

The /output directory also contains resources and workarea directories. Maybe persisting those impacts/interferes with InstantOn

tam512 commented 9 months ago

sorry opened in wrong repo. Cancelled this to move to different repo