OpenLiberty / ci.docker

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Question: Change server name from defaultServer #468

Closed lancechant closed 8 months ago

lancechant commented 8 months ago


We are using the docker images, but one thing I can't change is the server name from defaultServer? as for logging when running multiple images of different applications they are all showing as defaultServer. It shows the application name correctly as it runs that

This is the current way we create an image FROM open-liberty: ENV KEYSTORE_REQUIRED=false VERBOSE=true EXPOSE 8080 8543 COPY --chown=1001 dependencies /opt/ol/wlp/usr/ COPY --chown=1001 config /config/ #this has the server.xml and a folder called apps, which as the war file COPY --chown=1001 keystore /var/keystore/ RUN RUN

Am I doing it correctly? I can provide more information if needed

leochr commented 8 months ago

@lancechant The default server name has many references within the Liberty images (symlinks, startup process, permission settings, server cache, etc) and it's not customizable at the moment. But it's in our roadmap to support. We don't have a timeline to share at this time. Related issue:

leochr commented 8 months ago

Closing as duplicate of

lancechant commented 8 months ago

Ah I see thanks, seemed to have missed that issue