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Dev mode does not recompile/redeploy when adding upstream src/main/java #1202

Open ericglau opened 3 years ago

ericglau commented 3 years ago
  1. Use this project:
  2. Delete jar/src and war/src/main/java
  3. Run mvn install to install the project to ~/.m2 (no compilation errors occur because there is no Java code in the source of any modules)
  4. Run mvn
  5. After dev mode starts up, restore the files from step 2. Dev mode does not recompile (yet) *
  6. Make a change in jar/src/main/java/io/openliberty/guides/multimodules/lib/ Dev mode DOES recompile the jar and war modules, but the following compilation error occurs **
    /Users/eric/git/guide-maven-multimodules/finish/war/src/main/java/io/openliberty/guides/multimodules/web/ error: package io.openliberty.guides.multimodules.lib does not exist
        this.feet = io.openliberty.guides.multimodules.lib.Converter.getFeet(cm);
    /Users/eric/git/guide-maven-multimodules/finish/war/src/main/java/io/openliberty/guides/multimodules/web/ error: package io.openliberty.guides.multimodules.lib does not exist
        this.inches = io.openliberty.guides.multimodules.lib.Converter.getInches(cm);
    2 errors
  7. Notice the loose application was not redeployed so the jar and war target classes directories are not in ear/target/liberty/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/apps/guide-maven-multimodules-ear.ear.xml ***

In summary, 3 related problems here denoted by , , and above.

kathrynkodama commented 3 years ago

Addressing the second issue stated above (step 6):

/Users/eric/git/guide-maven-multimodules/finish/war/src/main/java/io/openliberty/guides/multimodules/web/ error: package io.openliberty.guides.multimodules.lib does not exist
        this.feet = io.openliberty.guides.multimodules.lib.Converter.getFeet(cm);
/Users/eric/git/guide-maven-multimodules/finish/war/src/main/java/io/openliberty/guides/multimodules/web/ error: package io.openliberty.guides.multimodules.lib does not exist
        this.inches = io.openliberty.guides.multimodules.lib.Converter.getInches(cm);
2 errors

This is due to how Maven resolves classpath elements for multi module builds. When the jar/src directory exists, thanks to the Maven reactor the war module's classpath has the following entry for the jar module: /Users/kathrynkodama/devex/sampleProjects/guide-maven-multimodules/finish/jar/target/classes Maven uses the reactor to add target directories of upstream modules to the current modules classpath.

When dev mode starts without the jar/src/ directory, the war module's compile classpath elements has the following entry for the jar module: /Users/kathrynkodama/.m2/repository/io/openliberty/guides/guide-maven-multimodules-jar/1.0-SNAPSHOT/guide-maven-multimodules-jar-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar Since the jar module is not being installed to the local repo, the war module cannot resolve the jar module's dependency even after the jar/src directory is added.

One workaround would be to call mvn compile from the top-level pom in order to trigger the reactor and have the /guide-maven-multimodules/finish/jar/target/classes directory added to the classpath. This would also require updating the artifact paths for all of the modules.

ericglau commented 3 years ago

We can document this as a limitation for now (as part of OpenLiberty/ci.maven#1199) that dev mode must be started with an existing src/main/java dir with existing Java file(s).

scottkurz commented 2 years ago

Just looking over this, I think we could close this.

We have a very clear warning explaining what's going on. I also believe we have other limitations in dev mode where we are unable to watch new directories (e.g. I think we might not be able to act to a new resource directory being added, IIRC).

Maybe the next pass we take through the issues backlog we could consider closing.