OpenLiberty / ci.maven

Maven plugins for managing Liberty profile servers #devops
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Fix 1572 - Add target/classes to loose app definition for newer "exploded" loose app format #1714

Closed scottkurz closed 1 year ago

scottkurz commented 1 year ago

This fixes the following issues:

  1. target/classes not in loose app - Fixes #1572 (this is the original issue there) - This means I can't use the format in liberty:run, do a compile (in mvn or IDE), and get an update
    • In ci.common co-req - now we don't need to do updateLooseApp on compile... which did a war:exploded or redeploy if exploded format changed. To me it's about fewer moving parts than perf. per se
  2. Detect update and apply filtering for filtered resource in the non-exploded case in DevMojo#resourceModifiedOrCreated
  3. maven-war-plugin - Default outdatedCheckPath to "/" for 3.3.2 and "WEB-INF" for 3.3.1. Rewrite the warning to recommend 3.3.2 (might as well keep it simple)
  4. Add full parms for exploded mojo
  5. Do a redeploy of the app if the war:exploded config has changed
  6. Issue warning if POM is changed to add new resources/webResources dir that will not be monitored.
  7. Fixed handling of the corner case, maybe a bit weird, if there was config for both <filteringDeploymentDescriptors>true</filteringDeploymentDescriptors> with WAR source dir also configured as resource