OpenLiberty / docs

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ID: APSFOUND-73: open-liberty documentation #2805

Closed dmuelle closed 4 years ago

dmuelle commented 4 years ago

This issue duplicates info from we will include the doc with other EJB related content coming over from KC (TBD)

SME: @tkburroughs

Does the documentation apply to all platforms?

Does the documentation apply to all editions

(Liberty Core, Liberty base, Liberty ND, Liberty z/OS)?

Specify what you want documented (required):

For each new topic, complete the following information:

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The feature APSFOUND-73 for Liberty ( basically implements the following information from tWAS documentation:

So, the link above from tWAS should be used as the starting point for nearly identical documenation for liberty linked off the following Liberty doc :

The following changes should be made to the tWAS version of the doc for Liberty:

Remove 1st sentence of 2nd paragraph:

Starting in Version 8.0, bindings support in the EJB container is expanded.

Remove the entire section with the following heading:

Naming considerations in clustered and cross-server environments

Remove the information about :

Extensions defined in META-INF/ibm-ejb-jar-ext-pme.xml file

i.e. includes the removal of Table 8.

chirp1 commented 4 years ago

Hi David, The issue needs to be opened by Tracy.