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SSO configuration with JSON Web Tokens #901

Closed Charlotte-Holt closed 4 years ago

Charlotte-Holt commented 4 years ago

From LC: This is a new concept topic that should:

Info source: Proposed guide issue: Config examples w/ #636

Rwalls1 commented 4 years ago

@lauracowen In regards to the Liberty JWT features, is there a reference for what those are. I may be overlooking something but I can't seem to identify them.

lauracowen commented 4 years ago

This is aimed at developers writing backend web services that need to be able to authorize requests to them (and requests from them to other web services) for information that is secured.

Start with the MicroProfile JWT capabilities (mpJwt feature) as that's the way we want/expect developers to go. Work through the JWT guide to learn about it:

The mpJwt feature depends on (automatically pulls in) the JWT feature, though you can also use the latter by itself (but start by focusing on developers using it through the MP JWT feature). There's a little bit about this (plus a full example you can take a look at) in this blog post:

Talk to Bruce Tiffany about what is important for developers to know about in order to use JWT to secure their backend web services.

Rwalls1 commented 4 years ago

@brutif Please review:

brutif commented 4 years ago

@Rwalls1 looks good! Just a few minor suggestions-

claims by it --> claims in it.

trust the signature --> trust the issuer's signature

a secret key known to the OpenID Provider (OP) --> a secret key known to the creator of the JWT (anyone can create a JWT, not just OP's)

The net.oauth example used is ok, but that library is no longer maintained and has been removed from liberty. You might say something like

The following example shows the creation of a signed JWT with Java. Multiple open source libraries for creating and consuming JWT's exist. Liberty also provides API's to do this in the Jwt-1.0 feature.

assign user authentication to authorization servers --> delegate user authentication to remote identity providers (authorization usually happens at the app level, not the provider. The provider might say "This is Bruce, and Bruce is a manager" but it's the app that makes the authorization decision "managers can access payroll")

In the last part "Enabling identity management with OpenID Connect", I'm not sure if "roles" and "format" are the right words, but I'm also uncertain about what the right words might be. Maybe "OIDC format contains designated roles" --> OIDC authentication process involves specific roles". The word "flows" is used in the literature but it doesn't fit quite right here either.

"The user is the agent" --> "The end user is the party". (Agent isn't quite right. Bruce is the user, and Firefox is Bruce's agent.)

to an authorization server that implements OIDC. --> to an Open ID Connect provider

OpenID Provider --> OpenID Connect Provider (just switching to the formal name)

is an authorization server that implements OIDC, can authenticate a user, return claims --> can authenticate a user, either directly or by brokering to another provider. It can return claims

The Relying Party is the application --> The Relying Party is the application or container (in Liberty's case, apps don't have to worry about it, the container (Liberty) does it for them.)

The last one "OIDC standard format" I'll take a swing at. Typical OIDC authentication flow: A browser accesses a protected application and is redirected to the OP. The OP interacts with the user to authenticate them. After authentication, the user's browser is redirected back to the application. The application or it's container then contacts the OP and obtains a JWT containing claims about the user, and completes authentication and authorization. If successful, the user is granted access to the application. The application can access the claims that were sent in the JWT.

@chunlongliang-ibm knows the industry terms well, after you update, let's have him and I both take a look.

lauracowen commented 4 years ago

I just had a quick look too (I know you probably haven't done Bruce's changes yet). It looks really good thanks. A couple of comments:

Thank you

Rwalls1 commented 4 years ago

@brutif Please review: Due to other topics that are mentioning OIDC that we're also writing, I thought it would be better to avoid a detailed explanation of it in this topic and focus more on the importance of the MP-JWT feature. I've tried to include only the minimum information needed to understand the feature.

brutif commented 4 years ago

Hi, looks good, a few suggestions, transfer authentication and authorization information --> transfer authentication information (authorization is done by the app). Maybe you could say "transfer authentication and group membership information".

The MP-JWT feature is designed to verify claims between two services --> The MP-JWT feature is designed to verify claims between two services and to make accessing claim information easy for application developers.

"Mapping JAX-RS methods to MicroProfile JSON Web Tokens" - I'm not sure what you're trying to say here, but mp-jwt and jax-rs methods don't really intersect. Maybe "Using JSON Web Tokens with JAX-RS applications" - The MP-JWT specification defines how JWT's interact with Jave EE container security so they are easily used with JAX-RS applications. For more infomation see (link to mp-jwt specification.)

chunlongliang-ibm commented 4 years ago

about "Enabling identity management with SSO":

Although it is a valid scenario that Liberty explicitly request JWT from OpenID Connect server, it is very common that reverse proxy server (e.g., ISAM, Ping, API gateway, Istio service mesh) sends JWT to Liberty directly.

Rwalls1 commented 4 years ago

@lauracowen Please review:

ManasiGandhi commented 4 years ago


The topic looks good. Just a few minor suggestions

Rwalls1 commented 4 years ago

@chunlongliang-ibm For your comment about "Enabling identity management with SSO", are you suggesting that a reverse proxy server, such as Istio, should be mentioned in some capacity there?

Rwalls1 commented 4 years ago

@brutif Please review the latest updates:

ManasiGandhi commented 4 years ago

@Rwalls1 In 'Propagating user identity with JSON Web Tokens' add 'the' before JWT in 'After the user identity is established with an SSO method, such as Social Login, you can use JWT to propagate the identity to back-end services. '

Rest looks good.

brutif commented 4 years ago

@Rwalls1 looks good, one last suggestion - "To propagate user identity across different services with JWT, the identity must first be established with an SSO method. " Actually this is not true, things are a little more flexible. Might I suggest "To propagate user identity across different services with JWT, a JWT representing the user's identity can be obtained from an SSO method using OpenID Connect, or a JWT can be created programatically. (JWT's can be created no matter how we got the identity - oauth, ldap, saml, etc. Most SSO is actually not using openId Connect today, but openidConnect gives us a JWT by default, which is convenient.)

Rwalls1 commented 4 years ago

@brutif Please review the latest update:

brutif commented 4 years ago

@Rwalls1 this looks good! At the risk of irritating our SAML enthusiasts I'd change one word. The OpenID Connect (OIDC) standard for authentication provides the framework --> provides a framework.

Rwalls1 commented 4 years ago

@brutif okay, you should be able to see that change now:

brutif commented 4 years ago

@Rwalls1 thanks!

Rwalls1 commented 4 years ago

@lauracowen Please review:

lauracowen commented 4 years ago

Nice work, @Rwalls1 and @brutif Looks good. :)

Here's some feedback (nothing major so shouldn't take long to fix up):

brutif commented 4 years ago

@lauracowen the oidc provider is used by customers in production, I don't think we want to alarm them by suggesting it's not suitable for that. You might say something like "For more information, see (link to liberty oidc provider) or (link to whatever other id provider it is we'd like them to use). Or you can just replace the oidc provider link if you want them to check out the public cloud provider.

lauracowen commented 4 years ago

@brutif Yes. I don't want to tell people it's not suitable - it's more that I don't want to make it look like they need to go through setting up an OL OIDC provider in order to use it. Could you help phrase something that says "commonly in the cloud, you can use the OIDC provider hosted in the cloud such as Red Hat SSO [or whatever it's called] to obtain JWTs; for local testing, you can easily set up an OIDC provider on OL "?

FWIW, we will provide some docs on doing things outside this assumed cloud-based scenario, it's just not an immediate focus and we want to keep the cloud-based microservices story clear for a start.

brutif commented 4 years ago

How about from: the Social Login SSO method provides a simplified process that establishes user identity. For more information, see Configuring Open Liberty as a single sign-on provider.

to: the Social Login SSO method provides a simplified process that establishes user identity by delegating authentication to a single sign on provider, such as Google or (insert favorite product here).

Rwalls1 commented 4 years ago

@lauracowen @brutif Please review the latest update:

brutif commented 4 years ago

@Rwalls1 looks good!

lauracowen commented 4 years ago

minor request - can you change the filename to jwt instead of json?

Rwalls1 commented 4 years ago

@lauracowen The filename has been updated:

lauracowen commented 4 years ago

This looks great, thanks for so much work on this.

Aside from addressing those two comments, this looks ready to queue to publish. Thanks

Rwalls1 commented 4 years ago

@lauracowen Please review the latest update:

lauracowen commented 4 years ago

Thanks :)

lauracowen commented 4 years ago

Hi Richard,

Alasdair and I took a look at some of the SSO topics last night and we agreed we need to make some changes to how the SSO info is presented. We currently have too much info about the abstract concepts that people could better obtain elsewhere. I'm going to chat with Charlotte about it this afternoon but please can you hold off working on this topic in the meantime?



lauracowen commented 4 years ago

Superceded by #1676 so I'm closing this issue.