[x] the title can be simpler as before "Persisting data with MongoDB" and keep :page-seo-title:
Configuring the Server
[x] "Configuring the Server" -> "Configuring the server"
[x] the hotspots for the following paragraph do not highlight anything
"Properties such as the hostname, port, and database name for the running MongoDB instance are set. Additionally, the user’s username and password are set here. For added security, the password was encoded using securityUtility."
Performing CRUD operations
[x] bold Injecting the database is strange
Implementing Read operation
[x] the following statement is not clear,
"The MongoCollection.find() method is invoked to retrieve a FindIterable generic using the Document type, an iterable for all the crew members documents in the collection."
is it better? "The MongoCollection.find() method is invoked to retrieve a FindIterable generic using the Document type, which is iterable for all the crew members documents in the collection."