OpenLiberty / guide-okd

(Deprecated) A guide on how to use Minishift to deploy microservices to an Origin Community Distribution of Kubernetes (OKD) cluster.
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Review feedback #20

Closed yeekangc closed 4 years ago

yeekangc commented 4 years ago

The image field (or key) specifies the name and tag of the container image you want to use for the system container. Update the value of the image field (or key) to specify the image location found under the DOCKER REPO column from the output of ...

yeekangc commented 4 years ago

I am fine with the guide except for the part where users need to reboot. This needs to be addressed first before we proceed to publish.

FYI, @gkwan-ibm.

MaiHameed commented 4 years ago

"You can run through the development cycle using OpenShift’s intuitive web console through the URL provided in the command output of the minishift start command. The web console provides a user friendly GUI alternative to their CLI tools, however this guide will continue with the CLI tools. You can also run the following command to open the web console": If we won't ask the users to use the console, what's the point of including this section? Let us revise and/or elaborate? Is it for them to try it out on their own?

My reasoning for including this paragraph is to highlight the availability of the web console as it is preferred for those who are not as comfortable with using the CLI. The web console however is a difficult resource to write a guide on due to how quickly it can update vs a more robust CLI tool. I rewrote the paragraph to the following:

You can run through the development cycle using OpenShift's web console through the URL provided in the command output of the minishift start command. The web console provides a user friendly GUI alternative to their CLI tools that you can explore on your own. This guide will continue with the CLI tools. You can also run the following command to open the web console:

Let me know if it's suitable, otherwise I can update it further.

MaiHameed commented 4 years ago

"The provided deploy.yaml configuration file outlines a deployment resource which will create and deploy a container that will run the Docker-formatted image provided in the image field": Should be "... deploy a system-container container ..."? This makes it easier to map from the description to what is highlighted in the YAML too?

I suppose technically it is a container labelled system-container so I rewrote the phrase as

... resource which will create and deploy a container named system-container that will ...

Let me know if that's sufficient, or if you would rather use

... resource which will create and deploy a system-container container that will ..

yeekangc commented 4 years ago

Re web console: As long as we make it clear that it's an option that users can explore on their own, we should be fine.

"... container named system-container ..." sounds better.

yeekangc commented 4 years ago

Perhaps ID can review now too and we can do one last review after all edits are in.

MaiHameed commented 4 years ago

"You will see the following response, note that it has been properly formatted in this guide for easier readability": What is the purpose of the "readability" clause?

The default response is not properly formatted. Similar to the conversation we had about how the system properties response is all in one line and not formatted as a typical JSON object would be, due to the need for a web extension to do the formatting. I added this clause to address the question that the user might have as to why their response would look different from the output of the guide.

yeekangc commented 4 years ago

May be something like "you will see a JSON response like the following. Note that your JSON response may not be formatted. The sample output has been formatted for readability".

It's worthwhile to have ID review this paragraph too.

MaiHameed commented 4 years ago

Would you like to review all the updates once I'm finished them, or do I request for an ID review straight away after the updates are live on the draft site?

MaiHameed commented 4 years ago

For the Tearing down the environment section, would it be fair to direct the users to the official docs on how to Uninstall Minishift? Or would you prefer to keep a paraphrased version of those steps and explanations in the guide?

yeekangc commented 4 years ago

If we have not done it elsewhere and if it's not critical to the guide, we can refer to official documentation to remove Minishift. Cleaning up the deployment itself that is covered by the guide is fair.

I would prefer to look at the final updates after you have all the edits for the above (i.e. from this issue) and from ID review incorporated.

MaiHameed commented 4 years ago

Addressed, closing