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Create a guide for building a webapp with JSF 2.3 #30

Open evelinec opened 6 years ago

evelinec commented 6 years ago

Guide for building web application with JSF.

swopebe commented 6 years ago

adding ID required ONLY to test viewing on ZenHub, will remove.

yeekangc commented 6 years ago

Reconcile this with #35 and see if we need 2 guides or it should only be 1 guide.

gcharters commented 6 years ago

@yeekangc @aguibert - if these two JSF-related guides cover what I think they're meant to cover then they're different. #30 is focused on developing a Web app using JSF and #35 is focused on plugging in different implementations of the JSF container. I therefore thing we can prioritize this guide. Do you agree or are we waiting for #35 to be completed before we prioritise this guide?

yeekangc commented 6 years ago

I agree, @gcharters, if we can agree they serve different purposes and there is value in having both. If so, we can move forward to prioritize.

yeekangc commented 6 years ago

Removing "question" tag based on the above discussion.