Jakarta EE 11 TCK requires updates to the liberty arquillian plugin for newer versions of arquillian
Additional Information
The Jakarta EE 11 TCK is using Arquillian version 1.9.1.Final version which is newer than what is used for the liberty arquillian plugin currently. When moving to the new version of arquillian, the protocol and test enricher dependencies are now 10.0.0.Final version instead of making new versions with each version of the arquillian core API. Additional the TCK now uses surefire 3.2.5 so it is prudent to update to that new version as well.
Issue Overview
Jakarta EE 11 TCK requires updates to the liberty arquillian plugin for newer versions of arquillian
Additional Information
The Jakarta EE 11 TCK is using Arquillian version 1.9.1.Final version which is newer than what is used for the liberty arquillian plugin currently. When moving to the new version of arquillian, the protocol and test enricher dependencies are now 10.0.0.Final version instead of making new versions with each version of the arquillian core API. Additional the TCK now uses surefire 3.2.5 so it is prudent to update to that new version as well.