OpenLiberty / liberty-bikes

Real-time web based multiplayer game running on OpenLiberty
Eclipse Public License 1.0
37 stars 38 forks source link

dockerStart fails after clean due to missing Postgres jar #234

Closed realModusOperandi closed 5 years ago

realModusOperandi commented 5 years ago

Performing the docker-compose start command (dockerStart and/orcomposeUp) afterclean` (but before running the standard start command) causes the compose up step to fail building the player-service image:

Step 3/6 : ADD --chown=1001:0 build/libs/postgresql-*.jar /config/postgresql
ADD failed: no source files were specified
aguibert commented 5 years ago

Fixed by #237 and also added a TravisCI pipeline in #238 so issues like this don't happen in the future