This is a bit of a different case vs. the past, in that our LTE 23.0.12 release already had enough testing against Eclipse 2023-12 that we declared support for this in Eclipse Marketplace and our doc.
Still, we want to go through the same process as usual, creating the new target platform and running tests against it, reviewing dependency version, etc.
[x] Update lsp4e/lsp4j deps? Probably each quarter we should assume we use the quarterly update in the Eclipse release (whether it comes from the platform itself or another bundled component like WWD) as a starting point. But sometimes because of bugs we need to use a custom, newer (or older?) version. Sometimes we might follow the JBoss/Quarkus or lsp4mp leads. Don't assume though that because we used a custom version last quarter that we either want to use a new custom one or keep the version the same this quarter. Again, the version you get with the vanilla Eclipse package install is a good starting point each quarter.
[x] Release Plan - (make sure it includes the Milestone highlights so we can bubble up the most important elements to a broader view of Liberty Tools / DevEx work).
[x] Epic issue (this issue)
Test Level
[x] target platform file (copy from last version, update URLs, Ctrl+Space to populate new versions, try to align version with target Eclipse install like with Mend scan contents)
[x] default level in POM
[x] default level GHA
[ ] default level Jenkins
[x] Better to test vs. multiple levels in any of these envs or just one?
[x] Manual test against latest release (N+1), e.g. Eclipse 2024-03 for LTE 24.0.3
This is a bit of a different case vs. the past, in that our LTE 23.0.12 release already had enough testing against Eclipse 2023-12 that we declared support for this in Eclipse Marketplace and our doc.
Still, we want to go through the same process as usual, creating the new target platform and running tests against it, reviewing dependency version, etc.
Test Level
Other releng