Open vaisakhkannan opened 1 week ago
This is the GHA build link: Linux: Passed Windows: Only 1 failure (known issue)
This is the GHA build link: Linux: 40 failures Windows: 48 failures
2 common build failures that I have seen in build
com.intellij.remoterobot.utils.WaitForConditionTimeoutException: Exceeded timeout (PT16S) for condition function (Menu items containing the Edit Configurations... text were not found)
During my investigation what I found that , there is a change in the text that is usage of dots (.)
com.intellij.remoterobot.utils.WaitForConditionTimeoutException: Exceeded timeout (PT10S) for condition function (Failed to find 'ComponentFixture' by '//div[@class='ActionMenu' and @text='Run']' in 10s)
Recent Run with the updated changes to support 2024.3 :
NOTE: Windows Passed
Inprogress Build with 2 more os added :
As part of supporting IntelliJ IDEA 2024.3 version on Windows and Linux, Found some changes in the Ui components , Need to change the ui code to support those changes.