OpenLiberty / liberty-tools-intellij

IntelliJ IDEA extension for Liberty
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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SVT: New MP Telemetry config property suggestions for otel are not present #409

Open hanczaryk opened 1 year ago

hanczaryk commented 1 year ago

SVT: New MP Telemetry config property suggestions for otel are not present

I installed the following IntelliJ version and installed the extension.

IntelliJ IDEA 2023.1.1 (Community Edition)
Build #IC-231.8770.65, built on April 27, 2023
Runtime version: 17.0.6+10-b829.9 amd64
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o.
Windows 10.0
GC: G1 Young Generation, G1 Old Generation
Memory: 2048M
Cores: 8
Non-Bundled Plugins:
    open-liberty.intellij (0.0.9-SNAPSHOT)

Kotlin: 231-1.8.21-IJ8770.65

New in MicroProfile 6.0 is the inclusion of MP Telemetry 1.0. Looking at the docs for (, I see additional properties that start with otel under MP Telemetry.

Using IntelliJ with Ctrl+Space in the file, I view suggestions for several of the properties that start with mp. but I don't see any with otel.


I believe those otel.* properties should also be offered as suggestions.

angelozerr commented 1 year ago

Could you please report your issue at

hanczaryk commented 1 year ago

I believe we can close this issue since I opened

angelozerr commented 1 year ago

I suggest to not close this issue, because perhaps it will require to do someting on IJ side.

turkeylurkey commented 1 year ago

@cherylking Shouldn't LCLS get this info from Liberty and provide completion?

cherylking commented 1 year ago

@cherylking Shouldn't LCLS get this info from Liberty and provide completion?

I'm confused. The LCLS only offers completion for server.xml, and server.env. And even then, it is a small set of predefined properties/vars that we have completion for.

I don't see any of those files mentioned in this issue? I think support for completion for file would come from LSP4MP right?

turkeylurkey commented 1 year ago

My mistake, thanks for the answer.

anusreelakshmi934 commented 2 months ago

Tested using the latest lsp4ij feature branch (version - 0.0.2) . I received suggestions for properties that start with mp.*, but none for those that start with otel.*.

image image
angelozerr commented 2 months ago

To fix this issue we need to hard code those properties like

angelozerr commented 2 months ago

But please follow