OpenLiberty / liberty-tools-intellij

IntelliJ IDEA extension for Liberty
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Determine how we should activitely monitor changes being made to LSP4iJ. #802

Open vaisakhkannan opened 3 weeks ago

vaisakhkannan commented 3 weeks ago

Certain changes being made to LSP4iJ may have a significant impact on Liberty Tools for IntelliJ and we want to know about those changes early so that we can provide feedback and/or plan for how to deal with them in our plug-in.

This item is for investigating how to automate alerts on changes to LSP4iJ.

Things to consider:

alerts on PRs? should we get notified of updates in issues? GitHub may have automation for this. notify in e-mail? Slack? high or low volume of alerts? what is realistic? Determine ideal solution and determine an MVP solution to implement.

Resource for Slack/GitHub integration:

Work items:

vaisakhkannan commented 3 weeks ago

For Workitem 1: Slack channel alert to remind about the LSP4IJ kanban board status. Kanban board of Lsp4Ij to check the issues and status of their work-

This reminder will run every Wednesday at 7 pm IST.

Screenshot 2024-06-07 at 2 20 53 PM

One thing to ensure is that notification settings are configured to receive All Messages for the channel.


vaisakhkannan commented 3 weeks ago

For Workitem 2 - The approach is currently Working and more acceptable

Step1: Create a Slack App:Go to Slack API and create a new app for your workspace. Navigate to the "Incoming Webhooks" section and activate it. Add the app to our desired channel to obtain the Webhook URL.



Step 2: Create a GitHub Actions Workflow: Create a Workflow File: In our GitHub repository, create a new file under the .github/workflows/ directory, e.g., .github/workflows/slack-notifications.yml.



Step 3: Use API calls to fetch information about new pull requests in the repository and send notifications to Slack.



Step 4: Add Secrets to GitHub Repository: Add Slack Webhook Secret:In our GitHub repository, go to "Settings" -> "Secrets" and add a secret named SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL with the value of your Slack Webhook URL.



Step 5: Customize GitHub API Request: Customize GitHub API Request:Customize the GitHub API request in the workflow file based on our needs. We may want to filter pull requests based on labels, states, or other criteria.



Step 6: Commit and Push Changes: Commit and Push Changes:Commit the new files (the workflow file) and push them to the GitHub repository.



Step 7: Verify Workflow Execution: Verify Workflow Execution:After pushing the changes. Check the Actions tab in your GitHub repository to verify that the workflow runs successfully. ( If we require Slack notifications on a regular basis, we'll need Cron job schedules and must verify the workflow runs in the Action Tab to ensure everything is functioning correctly.)

vaisakhkannan commented 2 weeks ago

For Workitem 4, I added a reminder as shown in the image below

Screenshot 2024-06-13 at 7 36 36 PM

I added link in the component word --> Quarkus --> commits -->