Open nmm131 opened 2 years ago
S2I relies on the io.openshift.s2i.scripts-url
parameter to determine where the scripts are located. In the liberty S2I images, this is set to /usr/local/s2i
docker inspect --format='{{ index .Config.Labels "io.openshift.s2i.scripts-url" }}' openliberty/open-liberty-s2i
Is this property being set to /usr/libexec/s2i
somewhere in your pipeline?
I did try out the s2i tekton task at one point, but it's been quite a while.
Hi, there is the following S2I Tekton Task parameter:
PATH_CONTEXT: Source path from where s2i command need to be run (default: .).
Previously, I did not specify this parameter. This must mean I am using the default value of .
I provided that parameter using the following YAML in my S2I Tekton Task:
value: /usr/local
However, the above YAML did not work. I also tried the following YAML paths without success:
This parameter does not appear to be changing the following path: /usr/libexec/s2i/assemble
builder image was used in an S2I Tekton Task and the following error was outputted:The
STEP 7: RUN /usr/libexec/s2i/assemble
Dockerfile step cannot run successfully and receives an exit status of 127. It appears as though theopenliberty/open-liberty-s2i:latest
builder image is missing the/usr/libexec/s2i/assemble
file required by this step. Has this builder image been tested to be compatible with the S2I Tekton Task?