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Jakarta EE 11: Support Jakarta RESTful Web Services 4.0 #18740

Open jhanders34 opened 2 years ago

jhanders34 commented 2 years ago


Implement the Jakarta RESTful Web Services 4.0 specification


When available, add links to required feature documents. Use "N/A" to mark particular documents which are not required by the feature.

General Instructions

The process steps occur roughly in the order as presented. Process steps occasionally overlap.

Each process step has a number of tasks which must be completed or must be marked as not applicable ("N/A").

Unless otherwise indicated, the tasks are the responsibility of the Feature Owner or a Delegate of the Feature Owner.

If you need assistance, reach out to the OpenLiberty/release-architect.

Important: Labels are used to trigger particular steps and must be added as indicated.

Prioritization (Complete Before Development Starts)

The (OpenLiberty/chief-architect) and area leads are responsible for prioritizing the features and determining which features are being actively worked on.


Design preliminaries determine whether a formal design, which will be provided by an Upcoming Feature Overview (UFO) document, must be created and reviewed. A formal design is required if the feature requires any of the following: UI, Serviceability, SVT, Performance testing, or non-trivial documentation/ID. Furthermore, each identified item places a blocking requirement on another team so it must be identified early in the process. The feature owner may check-off the item if they know it doesn't apply, but otherwise they should work with the focal point to determine what work, if any, will be necessary and make them aware of it.

Design Preliminaries


No Design

FAT Documentation

A feature must be prioritized before any implementation work may begin to be delivered (inaccessible/no-ship). However, a design focused approach should still be applied to features, and developers should think about the feature design prior to writing and delivering any code.
Besides being prioritized, a feature must also be socialized (or No Design Approved) before any beta code may be delivered. All new Liberty content must be inaccessible in our GA releases until it is Feature Complete by either marking it kind=noship or beta fencing it.
Code may not GA until this feature has obtained the Design Approved or No Design Approved label, along with all other tasks outlined in the GA section.

Feature Development Begins

Legal and Translation

In order to avoid last minute blockers and significant disruptions to the feature, the legal items need to be done as early in the feature process as possible, either in design or as early into the development as possible. Similarly, translation is to be done concurrently with development. Both MUST be completed before Beta or GA is requested.

Legal (Complete before Feature Complete Date)

Innovation (Complete 1 week before Feature Complete Date)

Translation (Complete by Feature Complete Date)

In order to facilitate early feedback from users, all new features and functionality should first be released as part of a beta release.

Beta Code

Beta Blog (Complete by beta eGA)

A feature is ready to GA after it is Feature Complete and has obtained all necessary Focal Point Approvals.

Feature Complete

Focal Point Approvals (Complete by Feature Complete Date)

These occur only after GA of this feature is requested (by adding a target:ga label). GA of this feature may not occur until all approvals are obtained.

All Features

Design Approved Features

Remove Beta Fencing (Complete by Feature Complete Date)

GA Blog (Complete by Friday after GM)

Post GM (Complete before GA)

Post GA

kwsutter commented 2 years ago

Just an FYI... JAX-RS 4.0 is post Jakarta EE 10. The Jakarta EE 10 Release Plan identifies JAX-RS 3.1 as part of Jakarta EE 10. The 4.0 release is planned for after Jakarta EE 10.

neuwerk commented 10 months ago

Notes from UFO socialization:

Slide 10:

Slide 12:

Slide 14:

Slide 15:

Slide 17:

Slides 18/19 and all other instances:

Slide 24:

Slide 25:

Slide 29:

Slide 30:

Slide 33:

Slide 35:

Slide 40:

Slide 42:

WhiteCat22 commented 10 months ago

Opened to discuss renaming the new @Entity annotation

scottkurz commented 1 month ago

Notes from UFO socialization (part 2):

  1. slide 3

    • [x] Apha2 -> Alpha2
  2. slide 17

    • [x] include return value type with getMatchedResourceTemplate() signature
    • [ ] what is a "matrix" parm?
  3. slide 24

    • [x] Let's use a different term than "convenience feature" maybe "convenience API" or utility API or something
  4. slide 27

    • [x] Brought up concerns of ManagedBean and JAXB dependency removal but agreed they were dealt with by Migration
  5. slide 32

    • [x] Mention the API project too along w/ RESTEasy
    • [x] Mention we'll use a version like "7.0.0.Final"
  6. slide 34

    • [x] add InstantOn repeat rules
    • [x] add TCK execution
  7. slide 37

    • [x] should say Java 17 and 21
  8. slide 41

    • [x] concern raised on ManagedBean removal - thought was it was basically unused (so not a high priority)