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mpJWT Performance: Header vs Cookie #25549

Open jdmcclur opened 1 year ago

jdmcclur commented 1 year ago

In my mpJWT primitive, I see a decent difference when sending a JWT as an Authorization Header compared to sending in the Bearer Cookie. (mp.jwt.token.header=Cookie). This is a primitive, so problems are exaggerated, and not what you would see in a normal application.

Header:  100%
Cookie:   88%

In the Header case, it is authenticated early here:

because this returns true because it finds the "Bearer" in a Header

In the Cookie case, it does not get handled early, so it is authenticated here after it fails initially and throws/catches an exception - (not great for performance).

I prototyped finding the "Bearer Cookie" early, which gets it pretty close to the header case (there is some unrelated overhead to having a cookie on the request), but this doesn't account for the case where the customer is using a different cookie name (mp.jwt.token.cookie=NotBearer). I am not sure how to handle that.

Header:  100%
Cookie:   88%
Cookie Handled Early: 97%

I also did a quick hack where I call authenticate() before handleMessage() in LibertyAuthFilter, which helps but still not as good (I don't totally understand why yet).

Header: 100%
Cookie:  88%
Cookie - authenticate early: 97%
Cookie - avoid try/catch hack: 95%
jdmcclur commented 1 year ago

I think I'll move forward with my quick change to try to authenticate if there is a Bearer cookie. This should cover most customer cases. We will look into gathering the actual name of the cookie later.