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Implement MicroProfile JWT Bridge spec #25918

Open ayoho opened 11 months ago

ayoho commented 11 months ago


Add functionality in Open Liberty to support the MP JWT Bridge specification:

This specification enables mapping MicroProfile JWT tokens to Jakarta EE container APIs not included in the MicroProfile umbrella and provides a place where Jakarta EE specifications, such as Jakarta Security, can build requirements and seamless integrations with MicroProfile JWT.

The crux of the MP JWT Bridge specification is the creation of a new @JwtAuthenticationMechanismDefinition annotation used to define a JWT authentication mechanism for verifying JWT bearer tokens which are sent with HTTP Authorization or other headers.

An example of the auth mechanism's usage is shown here:

    jwtClaimsDefinition = @JwtClaimsDefinition(callerNameClaim = "upn", callerGroupsClaim = "groups"),
    publicKeyDefinition = @PublicKeyDefinition(key = "", location = "", algorithm = "RS256"),
    decryptionKeyDefinition = @PrivateKeyDefinition(location = "", algorithm = ""),
    jwtClaimsVerification = @JwtClaimsVerification(issuer = "", audiences = "", tokenAge = 0, tokenAgeExpression = "", clockSkew = 0, clockSkewExpression = ""),
    httpHeadersDefinition = @HttpHeadersDefinition(tokenHeader = "Authorization", cookieName = "Bearer"),
    jwksDefinition = @JwksDefinition(jwksConnectTimeout = 500, jwksConnectTimeoutExpression = "", jwksReadTimeout = 500, jwksReadTimeoutExpression = ""))
public class JwtSecuredServlet extends HttpServlet {

    @Inject securityContext;

    @Override protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
        // example of getting JWT claims from Jakarta SecurityContext jwtClaims = securityContext.getPrincipalsByType(...);


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General Instructions

The process steps occur roughly in the order as presented. Process steps occasionally overlap.

Each process step has a number of tasks which must be completed or must be marked as not applicable ("N/A").

Unless otherwise indicated, the tasks are the responsibility of the feature owner or a delegate of the feature owner.

If you need assistance, reach out to the OpenLiberty/release-architect.

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Design preliminaries determine whether a formal design, which will be provided by an Upcoming Feature Overview (UFO) document, must be created and reviewed. A formal design is required if the feature requires any of the following: UI, Serviceability, SVT, Performance testing, or non-trivial documentation/ID. Furthermore, each identified item places a blocking requirement on another team so it must be identified early in the process. The feature owner may check-off the item if they know it doesn't apply, but otherwise they should work with the focal point to determine what work, if any, will be necessary and make them aware of it.

Design Preliminaries


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FAT Documentation

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Besides being prioritized, a feature must also be socialized (or No Design Approved) before any beta code may be delivered. All new Liberty content must be inaccessible in our GA releases until it is Feature Complete by either marking it kind=noship or beta fencing it.
Code may not GA until this feature has obtained the Design Approved or No Design Approved label, along with all other tasks outlined in the GA section.

Feature Development Begins

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In order to avoid last minute blockers and significant disruptions to the feature, the legal items need to be done as early in the feature process as possible, either in design or as early into the development as possible. Similarly, translation is to be done concurrently with development. All items below MUST be completed before beta & GA is requested.

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Feature Complete

Focal Point Approvals (Complete by Feature Complete Date)

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Post GA

ayoho commented 4 months ago

I've added the pause_review label since Jakarta work will be taking precedence over the MP JWT Bridge spec implementation.