OpenLiberty / open-liberty

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Use propagated Global ID in local XID of imported WS-AT transaction #28401

Closed djmatthews closed 3 weeks ago

djmatthews commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug
When a transaction is imported via WS-AT the Liberty TM allocates a different XID locally, it should be using the imported GlobalID from the WS-AT context.

If there is a stack trace, please include the FULL stack trace (without any [internal classes] lines in it). To find the full stack trace, you may need to check in $WLP_OUTPUT_DIR/messages.log

Steps to Reproduce
Import transaction via WS-AT, note XID in use (eg via trace or lock contention)

Expected behavior
The XID used by the local transaction in Liberty should be the same as the WS-AT CoordinationContext's Identifier (which represents the global id of the transaction) Diagnostic information:

Additional context
NOTE this issue has been created to backport an iFix for PR 28316 (which addresses the problem) from

djmatthews commented 3 weeks ago

Already fixed in via PR 28316, Issue used for generating iFix