The information you provide here will be included in the Open Liberty beta blog post (example), which will be published on, and potentially elsewhere, to promote this beta feature/function of Open Liberty. For this post to be included in the beta issue please make sure that this is completed by the end of Friday following the GM (Tuesday). The beta and release blogs are created using automation and rely on you following the template's structure. DO NOT REMOVE/ALTER THE <GHA> TAGS THROUGHOUT THIS TEMPLATE.
Please provide a summary of the update, including the following points:
A sentence or two that introduces the update to someone new to the general technology/concept.
From the previous beta (, we've introduced "Enhanced HTTP Request Monitoring with Monitor 1.0". This introduced the capability to track HTTP requests made to the server and record the request method, response status, duration, HTTP route, and other attributes that align with the Open Telemetry HTTP metric semantic convention. This information was recorded into an HttpStatsMXBean and if MicroProfile Metrics v5 runtime was active (mpMetrics-5.x) then the HTTP metrics would be reported by the MicroProfile Metrics on the /metrics endpoint. Now in this beta release, we will be able to support registering HTTP Metrics with the MicroProfile Telemetry v2 runtime (mpTelemetry-2.0). This metric data can then be exported to a compatible OTLP metrics consumer. This enhancement is an auto-feature that activates with mpTelemetry-2.0monitor-1.0 and any feature that uses the servlet engine currently supporting Jakarta EE 10 features like servlet-6.0, pages-3.1, and restfulWS-3.1.
The Human-readable name and short feature name for your feature- eg WebSockets feature (websockets-1.0).
N/A -> auto feature that will start with monitor-1.0 and any feature using the servlet engine + mpTelemetry-2.0. Currently only supports JEE 10 features.
Who is the target persona? Who do you expect to use the update? eg application developer, operations.
Operations to track http requests made to the server, duration and response type. (Specifically if they use with mpTelemetry-2.0)
What was the problem before and how does your update make their life better? (Why should they care?)
Open Liberty can currently track servlet requests and JAX-RS/RESTful resource requests to the server as their own respective MBeans (i.e., servlet MBeans and REST Mbeans). Now introduced in the previous, HTTP requests to the server can be tracked in their own MBeans and that data used to create metrics with mpMetrics-5.x. Now the creation and reporting of HTTP metrics is supported for mpTelemetry-2.0. Users can then export the metric data to an OTLP compatible metric consumer.
Briefly explain how to make your update work. Include screenshots, diagrams, and/or code snippets, and provide a server.xml snippet.
Auto-feature that will start with monitor-1.0 and any feature that uses the servlet engine. Currently only supports JEE 10 features. For example: servlet-6.0, pages-3.1, restfulWS-3.1. Currently supports registering of HTTP metrics with mpMetrics-5.x features (from previous beta). Now can support creating metrics with mpTelemetry-2.0
Where can they find out more about this specific update (eg Open Liberty docs, Javadoc) and/or the wider technology?
Add the label to the blog issue for the beta you're targeting (e.g. target:YY00X-beta).
Make sure this blog post is linked back to the Epic for this feature/function.
Your paragraph will be included in the beta blog post. It might be edited for style and consistency.
You will be asked to review a draft before publication.
Once you've approved the code review, close this issue.
If you would also like to write a standalone blog post about your update (highly recommended), raise an issue on the Open Liberty blogs repo. State in the issue that the blog post relates to a specific release so that we can ensure it is published on an appropriate date (it won't be the same day as the beta blog post).
The information you provide here will be included in the Open Liberty beta blog post (example), which will be published on, and potentially elsewhere, to promote this beta feature/function of Open Liberty. For this post to be included in the beta issue please make sure that this is completed by the end of Friday following the GM (Tuesday). The beta and release blogs are created using automation and rely on you following the template's structure. DO NOT REMOVE/ALTER THE
TAGS THROUGHOUT THIS TEMPLATE.Please provide a summary of the update, including the following points:
A sentence or two that introduces the update to someone new to the general technology/concept.
The Human-readable name and short feature name for your feature- eg WebSockets feature (websockets-1.0).
Who is the target persona? Who do you expect to use the update? eg application developer, operations.
What was the problem before and how does your update make their life better? (Why should they care?)
Briefly explain how to make your update work. Include screenshots, diagrams, and/or code snippets, and provide a
snippet.Where can they find out more about this specific update (eg Open Liberty docs, Javadoc) and/or the wider technology?
What happens next?